Monday, February 3, 2025

Next Up Ovens Guantanamo

 El Presidente trumpty plans on deporting women and children, along with the male migrants, to Guantanamo. If one happens to be in our Amerika due to illegal migration, you can count on being visited by the ICE gestapo goon squads to be rounded up like cattle and summarily sent to Guantanamo to be held there until ... well ... when the fuck ever. Just ask the jihadis that have been held there since the early days of the Bush wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. That would be George W. Bush the now in hiding war criminal and one real asshole of a human. In a possibly unrelated DoD notice for bids now being posted on trumpty military websites, the DoD is asking for bids on portable ovens that are capable of burning large amounts of biological waste. That biological waste would be human remains. Mainstream media is largely ignoring these subtle hints from the trumpty regime and mainstream media is more than complicity in the trumpty crimes against humanity. Holy jesus holy jesus our Amerika is in some damn dangerous waters. Now for Monday machine art.

rosary -

glaswegian -

front -

foyer -

proper -

and yet -

wreck -

setting -

given the current feckless and limpdick climate in Amerika's congress, I'm not certain how or from where 'we the people' might expect some justice and/or relief ...😐

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