Big Breaking News - Republican Central Committee Meeting Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Saturday afternoon AND a woman making a protest against the powers that rule upper Idaho and various Kootenai County, Idaho brownshirt Nazis, woman gets herself physically assaulted and ejected from the Central Committee meeting and the story gets better. The goons that put the manhandle on the protesting woman were "undercover security men" working this cockup anonymously. So Coeur d'Alene, Idaho is part and parcel of the inland Pacific Northwest where the State of Washington meets Idaho with the white supremacists, neo-nazis, and straight up racist freaks populate and promulgate this area of our Amerika. The bigots owning businesses and other retail outlets openly discriminate against people of color, people of that one religion, women, and folk that don't look or fit in too well with the white caste. The citizenry will burn swastikas on outsiders property, take natural resources as needed, and flaunt their bigotry like it was the socially acceptable thing to do. I lived in that part of our America for a number of years and believe me, the white folk do NOT appreciate deviations from their norm and they hold ALL the cards government wise, socially wise, culturally wise, and job related labor needs. The freaks are damn scary and THAT is no joke. Now for Tuesday machine art.
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it isn't just Idaho/Washington that has issues with bigotry and racism. Amerika holds an ingrained racism that has existed since the arrival of white people on the continent. sad but true. 😐
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