Saturday, February 22, 2025

Relatively Good News

 There isn't much to feel good about these days. With trump on the planned termination obsolescence of federal government, the bodies are beginning to pile up and so it goes. The United States Senate passed some bullshit "mega-budget shit-to-ding" and Americans are supposed to marvel at the efficiency of the Senate. Sure sure ... senators actually did something that's allegedly relevant and we're supposed to cheer. On an unrelated and upbeat note Spring Training is getting under way and baseball, America's REAL national pastime, is ready to commence and at least baseball 'should' be something for all ass out Americans to enjoy. I tend to root for the Detroit Tigers. But I will enjoy it when the Orioles win. So many baseball choices. The only teams I never can root for are all the baseball teams from Florida. It's a matter of principle. Now for Saturday machine art. 

cube 3 -

head up -

city 2 -

imagine -

sight -

amigos -

it's a floater alright -

alone -

why is man born to suffer and have to put up with trump bullshit and then you simply die ... if you think about it, well, it's kind of a jip ... 😐

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