Have you ever had a boil? A boil is like a zit on steroids and a boil looks worse than it hurts. One should never try to squeeze (pop) a boil or so it is said. One is supposed to wait until it comes to a 'head' and then you lance the ugly bastard and allow the abscess to empty. That lancing drill is smelly and an obscene exercise in do it yourself home surgery. My point here, as repulsive as the metaphor is, would be that trump is like an abscess on the Amerikan body politic and that abscess is coming to a head. However the bulk of this metaphorical abscess is that although trump acts as a head, the real offensive emulsion from this national abscess would be all the festering ugly pus that is held behind trump. So we wait until this political abscess comes to it's ugly head and then lance the damn thing and allow it to drain into the GULF OF MEXICO. Metaphorically speaking of course. With any luck at all, trump will succumb to all the malevolence that's housed within his bulk and croak while he's in the early part of his term. However, V-P Vance would then be el presidente and Vance may in fact be worse than trump. In any event we've got us a clear case of sixes. Six of one ... half dozen of another and Amerika is ass out. Now for Sunday machine art.
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trump has managed to do more damage to Amerika in two weeks than any other president managed in their full terms. well is that about a joyous thing to celebrate ... or maybe not ... 😐
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