Friday, February 21, 2025

Old Saying Holds True

 The old saying goes like this ... "same shit different day" ... I never thought that sarcastic prattle would prove prophetic. But sure enough ... just about all the annoying shit occurring at present is the same day in day out. El Presidente pukes out an endless stream of "executive orders" that hold absolutely no legal standing and yet Americans view the trump verbiage as if that bullshit was some manner of gospel. For the ever so ignorant and compliant Klansvestites (read evangelicals), anything trump rattles off is as if 'god' ahmighty was speaking in tongues. Klansvestites do enjoy that speaking in tongues foolishness. It's an obscene bullshit display of Klansvestite piety that is actually hypocrisy on full display. Just about anything associated with trump is bullshit on full display. So now that the Senate has confirmed Kash Patel as head of the FBI, American government is for the most part gutted and there's no telling where and what el trumpy will entertain himself with next. Now for Friday machine art. 

game -

smoke -

vortice -

imagine -

labor -

magee -

fibber -

wind -

it seems quite obvious that Amerika has no effective political leadership at present. trump is by no means a "leader" ... trump is ... a psychopathic demented fucknut and damn if'n our Amerika isn't about to discover what karma is all about. 😐

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