Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Humanity Will Go Extinct ...

 Clock is ticking kids and humanity is just about done. So say scientists and if this is "scientists" saying it's just about over, well, you can take that to the bank. Or not AS there might not be a bank where you thought your bank was at. Please note this info is from 'Indian Defense Review.com' and you just know that's got to be the end all in all the end of it all scenarios. So - "new supercomputer simulation has given scientists a glimpse into Earth’s distant future—a world where a superheated supercontinent could drive mammals, including humans, to extinction." All this is to take place in 250 million years. Yup, just like an almost tomorrow except the "tomorrow" is a dang long ways off. No one alive today need worry and not a lick. We've all got more shit to worry about from the trump/musk incarnation of Adolf Hitler than anything happening much beyond the day after Friday which would of course, be a Saturday. So tuck your young'uns in bed tonight and sleep tight. Ain't not about nothing could possibly go wrong. Now for Tuesday machine art.

gloom -

table -

sculpt -

sleep -

horizon -

giza -

wilds -

in fog -

presidents day came and went with very little fanfare and with the trump/musk cancer eating away at America's Democratic Republic, well, any fanfare seems trite if not comprehensively superfluous. 😐

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