Saturday, February 8, 2025

Kan Ye Just Shut Up ... ?

 Kanye West or whatever the fool calls himself at the present moment has come out as a Nazi. Yup that's exactly what our black flaky brother has admitted in an article posted on the Detroit News webpage. Why am I not surprised ... The article was posted Friday afternoon February 7, 2025 and that just so happens to have been yesterday. The following is from the Detroit News -

“Hitler was sooooo fresh,” said Ye, who started his tirade late Thursday night and continued into late Friday morning. “I DONT LIKE OR TRUST ANY JEWISH PERSON AMD [SIC] THIS IS COMPLETELY SOBER WITH NO HENNESY.”

Our black brother is gone off the deep end and this time there is not much probability good old Yeezy will come back. You can read about West, or not, however here's a link to the Detroit News webpage and they are a reliable source and have been at the business of reporting since 1873.

That has got to be some kind of record for these days of the vanishing reliable news resources. Kind of a sad ending for West and you can now imagine why the Kardashian woman gave West the boot. Of course the Kardashian woman isn't exactly walking on solid ground. Now for Saturday machine art.

salmon - 

hoodoo -

fashion -

profit -

fantasy -

dilly -

dally -

other 1 -

the rootin' tootin' super duper bowl is slated for play on tomorrow which happens to be Sunday. I'm boycotting this year's football extravaganza, which has become routine at our domicile of late, as der Führer trumpler will be in attendance and that seals the deal as far as I'm concerned. trump is an asshole and there's little debate about that. 😐

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