Sunday, February 9, 2025

It Was The Best ...?

 So here we are year 2025 fully one quarter of the way into the 21st century. You'd think we'd be well on our way to the Moon, Mars, Infinity, and beyond ... Well you would be wrong. Ever so goddamn sadly wrong as wrong can be. It could have been the best of times HAD Kamala Harris been elected as President of these United States of America. But and crushingly so, it IS the worst of times as dementia j. trump was elected (?) president and some how or another how, election 2024 was rigged against Ms. Harris. Not by much as not much is needed to jury rig an election. Not in these days of star link sinistry and mainstream capitulation to fascism and worse, and no an election doesn't need to be rigged by much. So ... it is the worst of times and times will only get worse. Darkly savage and the savagery is already well underway. We are openly into the dark ages of bullshit that passes as honest and for real fact NOT fantasy or fancy. Fact, truth, veracity, are ancient concepts that are wholly out of fashion for this day and age as bullshit rules the day with what used to be called journalism being woefully undone and worthless drivel. My powerpoint presentation on what is bullshit, is grabbed from news webpages for a Saturday February 8, 2025 and inside the redline highlighted blurb is my case in point. -

"Asteroid to hit Earth in 2023" ... fully two fucking years ago. Yeah I suppose out of touch with proper editing and sundry incidentals such as factual reporting news is now passé. Seems a pity and what's to become of the children? Well I can tell you that with trump aiming to eliminate the Department of Education which is a cabinet level secretariat, Linda McMahon of pro wrestling infamy being the new Secretary of the Department of Education, America's children will suffer and end up worse off than their parents are now. Any number of those parents are 'maga cultists' and so it goes. Bullshit in hi definition techno wizardry and star link tinkering with our timeline. Now for Sunday machine art and I do NOT give a fuck about 'three-peat' or Mahomes-peet or Taylor Kelce yeah and whatever. To the postings of artistic genius.

spawn -

spigot -

result -

ruins -

margins -

fourth -

adventure -

coming -

and furthermore ... if you see your neighbor fallen down drunk, bleeding profusely from where the stupid cow's head met the concrete of a sidewalk well, call 911 and get away quickly ... time is of the essence to avoid any drunken confrontations with out of control maga cultists. 😐

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