At the CPAC conference, an annual gathering of right wing Klansvestites, Nazis, Star Spangled Klanners, and of course those ever so annoying white supremacist lunatics, the hate flows like oozing mud and gathers together a scary assembly of really insane fucknuts and they spend a Thursday though Sunday spectacular grabbing each other by the ass and having themselves a gay old time. The FBI no longer bothers keeping track of the weirdos, the FBI simply hasn't enough boots on the ground to keep up with their antics. Now with their liege lord ensconced in the Oval Office, well, the crazy fuckers will have carte blanche to act out in any manner of bizarre antisocial activities with the innocent, not so bright, and those easily deluded will certainly have to wonder who their madness might target next. If people may have thought social insanity had hit the big time back in the Nixon days, well, hold on to your butts kids as ... this go round will easily surpass the niggling crap-o-la of yesteryear by leaps and bounds. Shit is gonna get real ugly real quick. Now for Sunday machine art and it looks like the pope is gonna cack. He's got the lung funk and it's getting worse by the day. Vatican insisted yesterday that pope was just ducky. Well the overnight changed the entire scenario. Bummer for il papa no doubt.
p.s. - the point of all this which, I sort of got lost on the way in, el presidente of Argentina gave elong musk a jewel encrusted chainsaw at the CPAC conclave. I'm wondering how the Secret Service feels about musk having a chainsaw being as close to trump as the musk seems to be. "tomorrow's headline ... musk takes chainsaw and massacres trump!" ... be still my wondering heart ...
junk -
city -
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