Saturday, February 1, 2025

Zen & The Art Of Distraction

 The PGA's Pebble Beach Pro/Am tournament is on air and turns out golf is a welcome relief from political bullshit that seems hellbent on occupying television time and news journalism(?). The antics of our shit-for-brains el presidente are glaringly obscene and thanks to the United States Supreme Court, well, el presidente is immune from any/and/or all prosecution or being held to account so ... suck it up and hold on to your butts. Isn't that just the Amerikan way. Now for Saturday machine art. 

trap -

play -

sandoz -

mac #2 -

compact -

keeper -

event -

hiding -

watching golf on tv is kind of soothing. mostly scenic. close to calm, relaxing, and commercials that aren't near as much bullshit as one gets watching football. besides, how can watching the west coast be a bad thing ... 😏