Monday, September 30, 2024

Trump Meets Fly

 Dateline Wisconsin Somewhere Saturday September 28, 2024 and ... Trump was giving one of his patented histrionic rants in Wisconsin when he was assaulted by a fly and the Secret Service has no idea where this fly had came from. Trump was so shook up by the fly's intrusion on his rant that Trump addressed the fly directly and is quoted as saying, "oh there's that fly. I wonder where the fly came from? You see, two years ago I wouldn't have had a fly up here. You're changing rapidly. I can't take it any longer." Trump's handlers refused to answer any questions regarding what the hell Trump was on about. All the attending media people could say was, "that's not normal ..." And yes, even for Trump, that was certainly not normal. You see Trump was giving a speech about a hat. Yes, a hat. Trump's handlers refused to elaborate on what Trump's speech about a hat was meant to convey. Trump never finished his speech about a hat and everyone concerned made mention that Trump was not acting normal. This is Trump and anything "normal" is a tough connection to make. Now for Monday machine art.

plays -

company -

float -

carrot -

light -

gaze -

tel aviv -

dystopian -

complimentary bonus footage -

the complimentary bonus footage is from MSNBC and I'll thank them to shut the fuck up and go away. gosh, is that rude of me ... ? ... 😏

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Black Nazi Burns ...,

 More atrocious antics from America's current incarnation of 'republicans', this time out of North Carolina. The republican candidate running for governor of N.C. in this election cycle 2024, is a black man that bills himself as a "black nazi." I could not speculate as to why this loon would do a thing such as that, but, the guy is evidently proud of his statement. The guy's name is Mark Robinson and if you were merely looking at name association here, well, you might think the guy is just another white republican candidate that might not be as insane as oh say a J.D. Vance. Anyway, America's current black nazi candidate for governor of North Carolina set himself on fire at the 'Mayberry Truck Show' and the guy set himself on fire to the tune of having to be hospitalized. The black nazi's political handlers refused to release any details of how exactly Mr. Nazi set himself on fire. Mayberry, North Carolina you may or may not remember from back in days of 'Andy of Mayberry' and 'Gomer Pyle M.C.' and these days Mayberry holds a truck show. A new twist to the 'aw shucks corn fed bubbas' that are indigenous to North Carolina. So the 'black nazi' guy set himself alight, went to hospital for treatment of burns sustained and vowed to be back on the North Carolina campaign trail on Saturday. Burns and all. It is glaringly obvious that just about all the republicans running for elective office this election cycle 2024 are straight up insane, corrupt, dictatorial, felony convicted to the tune of 34 counts, squirrelly, batshit crazy, and really really creepy. I'm thinking that trump will have to go some to top North Carolina's "black nazi" candidate for governor. 'Black nazi' ... gosh, that doesn't take much in the old brain department to come up with a line that stupid. Now for Sunday machine art. 

solstice -

river -

candle -

accord -

supremes -

roberts court -

dulcinea -

darkly -

I've witnessed a number of election campaigns over my sojourn here on Planet Earth and campaign 2024 is about the single most absurd and a rude affront to American values (?) that have slipped from the purview of Americana to date. damn if'n we ain't havin' us some fun ... 😐

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Red Lines ala Hurricane Holocaust

 Vlad the Putin has issued his "red line" warning to Europe and the United States that should any nation giving support to Ukraine in the form of long range missiles and should one of those "supplied missiles" strike Russian soil, well, Vlad will unleash nuclear horror ala nuclear holocaust on Europe and the United States and nuclear shit will hit ever last fan on or around Planet Earth and so it goes. "Nuclear red lines" are meant to scare the bejesus out of anyone concerned as well it should. I doubt that Putin is as unhinged as would be trump but ... these days you just never know. Trump is alleged to have enjoyed Russian hookers peeing on the guy and Vlad allegedly supplied those Russian hookers and watched trump enjoy his shower. I suppose that should indicate that trump is truly more unhinged than Putin. However all of that could be a clear cut case of sixes. You know, six of one then half a dozen of another. The U.S. and NATO have already supplied long range missiles to Ukraine and Russia knows that. The U.S. and NATO have supplied those missiles with the understanding that Ukraine may not now nor in the near term future use those missiles UNLESS the U.S. and NATO grants Ukraine permission to launch. The missiles on Russia. Damnably dangerous gamble no doubt. For just about every last living thing on our planet. Russia launches a nuke on anyone and all nuclear weapons held clandestinely by every damn nation we know of will unleash those nukes for paybacks on whomever. Welcome to 'Cold War Version 2.0' and having lived through the first Cold War, I'm thinking reliving that bullshit is not about to be as fun as the first time. Back to "hurricane holocaust", a rather nasty hurricane just swept through Florida and the "South" and the damage left looks eerily similar to nuclear damage without all the lasting effects of radiation. There wasn't near the loss of life that would occur with a nuclear exchange but there was plenty of death to go around and keep the makers of body bags working happily with some meaty overtime pay and that kept the workers in charge of cranking out those body bags happy as hurricane sifted clams. Now for Saturday machine art.

ozzy -

ostracize -

couch -

odyssey -

gather -

airstat -

eden -

waters -

I'm not so certain that Russian generals would allow Putin to unleash the nukes. simple meteorological math would rain all the unleashed radiation right back on Russia and that would be like Putin cutting off his nose to spite his face. I think so anyway ... 😐

p.s. - all clams live mostly happy lives until ... until the little tykes get dug up so's some beach going fruit loop can eat the teeny dickens. bummer for the clams no doubt.

Friday, September 27, 2024

They Suck Head ... !

 Did you know that white congressmen from Louisiana suck head? Well they most certainly do and they'll brag about it. One Louisiana congressman, Clay Higgins who is elected to represent Louisiana's 3rd congressional district and that just happens to be bayou country, seems to think it his responsibility to condemn Haitian immigrants living in Ohio for being Haitian and immigrants. Higgins likes to add color to his negative comments on Ohio's Haitian immigrants by insisting they, Haitian immigrants, like to eat neighborhood cats and dogs. Higgins seems to insist that talking smack that the man knows absolutely nothing about, wins him (Higgins) favor with trump disciples. So ... down on the Louisiana bayou the denizens and cracker-ass inbreds residing there enjoy eating crawfish and just about any other poor living critter that gets haplessly caught or shot and end up in a Louisiana kettle of the large variety and served up with red beans and rice. In particular, the slack jawed set suck crawfish heads. Those crawfish heads are pinched off the crawfish body, after being boiled alive, and then the head is reversed in a consumers fingers, put up to the lips, and then sucked clean of brains and whatever else is inside a crawfish skull. Oh yummy ... no doubt? The hapless Louisiana bayou crowd like to call this exercise in culinary disgusting consumption "sucking head." Alrighty then ... get pissy on Haitian immigrants? This stupid son-of-a-bitch sucks crustaceans innards and then gets down on Haitians that have come to America LEGALLY! Pot, kettle, black, you dumb ass. As Forest Gump is often quoted as saying, "stupid is as Clay Higgins does." Nuff said. Now for Friday machine art and fuck the white inbred dickwads from Louisiana! 

what now -

unhinged -

magpie -

peruse -

optics -

themes -

legos -

whirly -

it certainly does appear that today's incarnation of republicans are hell bent on self destruction and taking our America down a shit hole along with freaks like Clay Higgins congressman du jour and culinary asshat. 😐

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Really Really Really Old ...

 Scientists have "discovered" our world's oldest cheese. Wow. Evidently Chinese embalmers were slapping cheese spread on Chinese mummies and then proceeding to entomb those mummies. I'm not certain if this was an aging process or a tale of using what was available on a stiff. According to those "scientists", the mummified cheese would be 3,500 years old. I guess that would be real 'aged' cheese and I am a bit curious how this loopy crap is news. Wow. In other parts of our world, a man gets arrested and charged for tossing a bomb into a Santa Maria, California courthouse. This little slice of violent insanity is recorded happening Wednesday. Hmmm, that would have been yesterday. Also more violent insanity happening in Tempe, Arizona on Monday last, the windows of the Democrat's Party headquarters in Tempe were shot out and this was the second time in just weeks. Hmmm, seems the inmates are getting hostile and goaded on by trump. Shit will get really scary nuts as our Nation crawls closer to November's election on the first Tuesday of. Listen kids, keep your heads on a swivel, you just can't know where and/or when some asshole screwy freak starts tossing bombs, or launching bullets fired from those ever so popular with the lunatic fringe, AR-15 assault style weapons. How about we dispense with the lunacy and break out that Thursday machine art.

fullness -

double -

witness -

testify -

home -

tri-level -

parted -

torn -

our word of the day for Thursday is 'wetback'. for further explanation check with Dr. Henry Louis Gates. catch phrase would be "operation wetback." shun violence people, it leads to nowhere but trouble. 😐

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Humpday's War News

 The last Wednesday in September 2024 and there's war darn near everywhere. That's not news. Israel is targeting Lebanon and that's hardly news. Israel takes great pride in bombing helpless and defenseless people and the Israeli freaks commit crimes against humanity with impunity. In the more recent war updates, Iran is making arrangements to send Russian missiles to Houthi rebels in Yemen that have been about the business of making war on Saudi backed Yemenis and a more recent announcement that the Houthis are "at war with Israel." Houthi rebels are a thorn in the side of Saudi Arabia who insists that Houthis are "really icky" and therefore shouldn't be given implements of war. However, Houthis manage to acquire implements of war and ample supplies of those implements of war and now those "icky Houthis" will have Russian missiles and the United States is sending military personnel to Israel just because. Houthi FYI - 

Houthi insurgency, also known as the Houthi rebellion, the Sa'dah War or the Sa'dah conflict, was/is a military rebellion pitting Zaidi Shia Houthis against Yemen's military that began in Northern Yemen and has since escalated into a full-scale civil war.

In all the Middle Eastern war news we probably should not forget Russia's war of naked aggression on Ukraine. Ukraine is on the verge of receiving heavy duty industrial strength missiles from NATO which is of course, the U.S.A., and won't that just sit well with the Russians and give our world's shared humanity more shit to worry about than all the worrisome shit to worry over previously. Dang if'n we ain't about having some fun now. Time for Wednesday machined artware and someone cue the camel please. 

close -

bambi meets the g-man -

straw -

game -

adapt -

moons -

mine too -

van gogh -

with so much war happening all around our world, it sort of becomes guesswork as to where the next dust up rears it's war-ugly head. China v Taiwan is certainly up for a run. Sudan is already at war. Ethiopia v Eritrea is on then off then on again. We shouldn't leave the western hemisphere out of the war scenario. Brazil and Venezuela just might have a go and Columbia will want a piece of that. so what we have here is ... war to the right of us and war to the left of us and so it goes. 😐

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Who Let The Bulls Out

 Dateline Attleboro, Massachusetts ... North Attleboro, Massachusetts, a hotbed for rodeo action in Massachusetts, had a for real western style stampede with their rodeo as 8 rodeo bulls broke down the enclosure the bulls were being kept in and proceeded to rain bullshit all over North Attleboro with spectators cheering the bulls on and cheering first responders attempting to corral the escaped bulls. Quite the outside the rodeo spectacle. Upon the bulls breakout from their corral, the bulls "streaked into a parking lot and headed (herded?) towards the woods behind BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse." The following timelines chronicle the tale of 'escaped bulls reign of terror on Attleboro' -

On or about 4:30 p.m., six of the remaining bulls were found stuck behind a fence at a Prescott Street home in Attleboro. North Attleboro Fire and police first responders with a qualified team of rodeo hands safely corralled six of the bulls and were able to get the bulls into a trailer. A crowd of people cheered the spectacle. One "Gee Sounthonevat remarked, I had a legit rodeo in my backyard. I stepped out of my house and realized that this was not horses in my yard. Sounthonevat rounded up his dogs, rounded up his kids, and the family watched out the family room window as the bulls leisurely roamed his backyard." The Sounthonevat children got out their Nerf guns, laid the guns out in a respectable mode and prepared to Nerf the bejesus out of rodeo bulls. One resident name of Mooney insisted, "I'm glad they didn't hit the pool or nothing else. The backyard fence stopped the bulls and Mooney is glad no one was hurt. "There's a lot of kids around here, we don't want seeing hurt."

8:00 p.m. and all bulls are recovered with one bull still on the loose. At some undisclosed time later the last bull is recovered and North Attleboro is safe once again. Organizers of the rodeo are questioned about what had happened but, they refused to comment. No doubt. Some one is going to pay for damage caused by runaway bulls and that will fall squarely on rodeo organizers. The important part in all of the chaos, everyone in Attleboro, North et al, is safe and all bulls AND children are accounted for. Shit like this hardly ever happens in Wyoming where rodeo is a religious festival and barbecue follows all the rodeo festivities. 

Rodeo North Attleboro, Massachusetts is a wrap for September 2024 and now we segue to Tuesday machined artware ...

alice -

belyn -

new -

inspect -

anne -

cardio -

dr. whom -

misspell -

I did not know that Attleboro, Massachusetts was a hotbed for rodeo hijinx. just goes to show that there's always something right around the bend that offers up a surprise. 😐