Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Sell The Boat

 A super yacht 'Axioma' owned by a Russian oligarch but then seized, has gone up for auction. The 'Axioma' is estimated to be worth a boatload of bucks. The 'Axioma' WAS owned by Demitrievich Pumpyansky. The super yacht was ordered seized by "Western sanctions" slapped on Russia and the super yacht was appropriated by Gibraltar Admiralty Marshal. Pumpyansky is/was a Russian steel magnate worth billions and had enough expendable cash to buy his yacht outright. All this international intrigue and yacht ganking is due to Russia's illegal war on Ukraine. Turns out that Russia has any number of 'billionaires' and these 'billionaires' are bearing a significant monetary forfeiture for Vlad Putin's bloodlust. With money and Ukrainians to burn, Russia seems hellbent on self-immolation and forfeiting super yachts and/or whatever else. I wonder what Bezos would have to say IF his super yacht were to be ganked by Russians on account of Bezos being American. I think that Bezos is American BUT, he may have bought his freedom from the homeworld. Bezos has that much cash on hand. Bezos could make King Midas feel insignificant. Maybe the Russians are eyeing his spaceship. Could be... Now for some Hump Day machine art. Without Russian OR Bezos input. Insufferable pricks no doubt.

courtesy of NASA -

sue nami -

cozy little cottage -

frankly my dear -

international intrigues or "sanctions" seem to be laying the groundwork for future war.  gosh...isn't that about simply special... 😟

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