Dateline Texas, and so this narrative begins. Deep in the heart of...Texas where CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee, is holding their annual meet and greet the racists. On Thursday, which just so happens to have been yesterday the 4th day of August 2022, the extreme right wing lunatic assembly of the Republican Party will get to hear varying shades of white nationalist propaganda, neoNazi propaganda, pseudoChristian heresy, and any number of insane freaks that have so far been able to escape having to be committed to a loony bin (read that as mental asylum), will be making speeches to enflame the mob. The CPAC opening liturgy went something like..."give us Barabas...give us Barabas." This is to be that kind of CPAC soiree. The CPAC'ers will get to hear any number of batshit crazy speakers that seem to be to the right of donny 'the golden fuck' trump. MTG is to make a spectacle of the assembly and herself. The Thursday headliner was one Viktor Orbán and this crazy bastard is Prime Minister of Hungary. Good old Viktor enthralled the mob by stating that a "Christian politician cannot be racist." Good old Viktor is whom the CPAC crowd feels is imminently qualified to give advice to America's version of the Third Reich. "White is right. White is might. White is how 'god' intended the human race to be." Blah blah blah and on and on ad infinitum. The "god fearing" crowd of packers will get to hear from the 'golden fuck' himself and won't the jizz factor be elevated by at least ten. So with this year being an election year, you can just bet that the political shit will fester, get stinky, grow ugly at the speed of treason, and there's money by the bucket load to be tossed hither and yon for all the world to be thrilled by. Oh yes and I forgot, the CPAC invitations for this year had a disclaimer that read "Only white folk and 'christian' white folk will be allowed entrance. No blacks or Jews of course" Happy Friday anyone that might care to lean on in for a quick read. Friday machine art is up next.
look -
d.o.a. so very early -
silly boys with attitude -
you can read about Viktor's speech given at the CPAC on any number of news websites. that is IF you've the stomach for it. 😠
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