Thursday, November 4, 2021

Time For Recriminations

 The state of Virginia held a gubernatorial election on Tuesday last and a Republican't won. Oh my could such a thing happen. Such a thing happened on account of the Republican't guy chalked up more votes than the Democrat incumbent. OH MY GAWD...! The Republican't guy didn't win by much so the election can't be an indicator of what might happen 2022. First off, America will actually need to get to 2022 and you can get even money odds in Vegas as to whether 2022 will actually show up. Maybe it will maybe it won't. Everyone will just have to wait and see. That really drives political pundits crazy. So the Republican't guy won because Democrats are out of touch with reality. The reality on the ground. National Democrats are clueless. Democrats where I live are nonexistent. That's because Utah is a Republican't state and has been for years. Sure there are some Democrats in Utah but Democrats in Utah are for the most part moderate Republican'ts. There was a second gubernatorial election in New Jersey and the Democrat candidate won that election by about the same vote margin as did the Republican't in Virginia. So what can be assumed and concluded for those elections? Nothing. Not a damn thing. America is still as confused and bewildered as America was on the Monday prior to Tuesday's elections. The two political parties that have America by the balls are so out of touch it's almost ridiculously funny. It might be moderately funny were the politicos to offer up candidates that had some meaningful contribution to give to the American people. Evidently there's not much chance of that happening not now nor in the foreseeable future. So the political tug of war will continue unabated and the real losers are 'we the people'. Talk about some for reals bullshit... machine art is coming up next.

muerte -

natural beauty -

america seems dazed and confused and Robert Plant can suck it. 👻

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