Friday, November 5, 2021

The First Friday

 Yes my friends, today is the first Friday in November. There just might be at least 3 more Fridays and possibly more than 3. It could happen. It seems more than likely that there won't be a "black Friday" the day after Thanksgiving. Not for this year anyway. The "black Friday" crap-o-la has started up already. Won't be too much longer and the whiz-bang retailers will start their 'black Friday' bullshit the day after Labor Day. There's something to look forward to. There is always something to look forward to. You know like the Covid or eviction or Aaron Rogers peddling ivermectin or the almost certain return of trump. Yeah some things are not worth the effort of looking forward to. I always thought that Aaron Rogers had better sense than to take a horse dewormer thinking that might protect him from the Covid. What'd ya know, Rogers is just another stupid footballer jock and will more than likely catch the Covid and wish to holy hell that he'd taken the Covid vaccine. Dumbass! Okay and so on that cheery note I'll slide on over to the machine art department and see what's on the menu for today. Most likely more machine art. Go figure.

the dreamer -

Sonoran Desert -

I do love me some Sonora. it's so peaceful... 😄

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