Friday, November 12, 2021

Curious If Not Really Curious

 For some reason known only to the google kids, today celebrates Johannes Vermeer. A Dutch painter considered by some (?) to be the 'finest Dutch painter in all the world'. That's some heady praise there boy. Vermeer was born sometime in October of 1632 maybe. An actual Vermeer birthday is shrouded in the mists of fading history. Well and the Dutch were about really crappy at keeping track of birthdays. During a Baroque period, Vermeer specialized in scenes of domestic violence and mid-life crisis. that right? Dang, I'd better google that and make certain, hang on for just a sec...CLARIFICATION - Johan buddy specialized in scenes of domestic interiors and middle-class life. Vermeer was only moderately successful painting in a provincial genre. That sounds like a little backhanded praise for sure. I googled up some of Vermeer's work and the guy wasn't bad so why the man would be considered as only moderately successful is beyond me. So sayeth the art critics. I hate art critics. The art critic fuckers go around trashing an artist's work and the credentials necessary to criticize any artist's work seem vaguely unrelated to the old art critic resume. Art critics seem wholly disconnected from the world of art and any contribution to the world of art by ANY art critic is minimal at best. Mostly nonexistent and that's fact. So, Vermeer stands alone in the world of art painting every day 17th century domestic life and middle-class folk are now as then, considered peripheral fluff. Today's art critic could NOT paint a thing other than coloring in a child's coloring book and that coloring would be outside the lines. So to all the spite-driven art critics out there...fuck off eh? Friday machine art is next and given that today is Friday well, I guess I'm about spot on.

ecstatic beauty -

bucolic -

a pilgrims progress will be celebrated all across amerika here pretty darn soon and that means turkey genocide has begun. 😵

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