Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Journey To The Far Side Of Now

 It's Tuesday. Which makes perfect sense considering that yesterday was a Monday. Wow is that existential or what. So some country singer guy received news that his daughter had been murdered. That has so got to suck. The guy had to cancel his country singer tour. Yeah that has so got to suck. Not cancelling a country singer tour. News about a daughter being murdered. Sucks for sure. However and on to happier news, Britney 'Barbie' Spears was freed from enslavement to her father. Spears' slaver father can't help hisself to Britney's money anymore. Good news for Britney and sucky news for slave master daddy. The Britney's daddy comes across as a for real and genuine asshole. Insufferable prick to be certain. Steve Bannon, one of trump's racist provocateurs, gets to see the inside of a federal jail. Bannon is going on trial for contempt of Congress. However the federal judge overseeing Bannon's case let the fucker free on his own recognizance. I have no doubt that Bannon will ghost in a hurry. That federal judge didn't make Bannon surrender his passport. I'm willing to bet that Bannon has a passport. Might not be a U.S. passport but whatever. Here and deep inside the Zion Curtain one of the Mormon Church leaders name of Dallin Oaks, maintains that gay students at BYU were "not" shocked while he, Oaks, was president of Brigham Young University. Oaks was the school's president back a while ago and that was when gay students at BYU had to keep their sexual preference a closely guarded secret. But none of the gay students were electrified to shock the gay right out of them. According to Oaks. You see electric shock treatment was used on campus of BYU so the school wouldn't have to deal with gay/lesbian issues. BYU officials made aware of a gay/lesbian student would force those students into "therapy" that was actually a cover for torture. Yeah those Mormons can be shocking with very little provocation. ZZZZHT! There... now you're not gay. Not anymore. Shocking I tell you simply shocking. But and you see, Oaks never allowed gay/lesbian students to be tortured. Sure sure...we believe you Dallin buddy. Not. So in an electrified change of pace...we're off to the machine art segment of today's program.

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I think the above image is Liza Minnilli. I think so but...I could be wrong. that happens from time to time. my being wrong... 😬

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