Sunday, November 21, 2021

A. Radical Jesuit

 That's right, A. Radical Jesuit. Now the truth can be told. Back in the day I studied for the 'priesthood'. Not anything mormon. I took a number of theology classes way back in the day from Fuller Theology Seminary. That's seminary and not cemetery. Although and looking back in hindsight, all the good that seminary did was about not much and could have just as well been a cemetery. All the theology study did was instill a raging disbelief and worlds of doubt about theology and christianity itself. However, the years spent in theology study did leave me with an unquenchable curiosity about things spiritual. Or mystical. Or sorcery. Which I did indulge in for years. Sorcery and not anything theological. I spooked my second wife so badly she decided life with moi was not worth the spooky shit and she left. Can't really blame her. I conjured up some dang thing that spooked the bejesus out of me. Whatever the thing was, I couldn't control it and for all I know "it" is still out there doing whatever it is conjured up spooky things do. Hmmm...that could explain the mysterious goings on around trump. The insane fuck is possessed. That's not my fault. Well at least I don't think so. Overall I find christians to be more than a mite stupid. And gullible. The silly freaks actually think that our Universe was created in exactly six days. Well and then there's the bullshit about Jonah being swallowed by a "whale" and then he, Jonah, was vomited back up and life was just peachy. The guy would have had to take a prolonged shower for certain. Anyway I think that churches and that's to include ALL churches need to pay taxes just like the rest of us. Those tax exempt churches are getting over and they're getting over large. They run scams that are legal and profitable and the fucks running the scams live la vida loca to be quite certain. You want to get Midas rich, start up a church and see how soon the money comes a raining in. Government can't and won't touch not a dime of it. Of course then there's the absolutely ridiculous crap about the "rapture." Christians and that's mostly those klanvangelical idiots, actually believe that 'Jesus' will come around and vacuum all the "believers" from off'n Planet Earth and they'll get to float around on clouds of glory while life on Earth goes to complete shit. 'Jesus' is gonna do that for the benefit of "believers" and that's to read klanvangelicals, just because. The "rapture" crap-o-la is theology on very thin ice. Really thin ice as in, it's bullshit and the New Testament doesn't teach anything about a "rapture." The New Testament teaches some stuff about love and caring for mankind. Feeding the poor. Being decent to one another. That's about the gist of it in a nutshell. Anything besides that is mostly not too well thought out and beyond ridiculous prattle. So, being A. Radical Jesuit is more than easily attained. Simply use the brains that evolution provided any human on good ole Planet Earth and THINK for about more than a minute. Thus endeth the sermonette for today and NOW we move on to the machine art portion of our preachable program. p.s. - I hold just about all religions in some degree of loathing. That's just me and I can do that on account of being A. Radical Jesuit.

bringing in the sleeves -

spinner -

IF there really is a 'hell' I probably got there the old fashioned way, I deserved it. I don't have any problem with that. I couldn't spend an eternity with christians. goddamn that would suck. really suck!!! 👼

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