Monday, November 15, 2021

Five Lanes To Vegas

 Yesterday was a rare autumn day out here behind the Zion Curtain so, the wife and I drove out to the west desert. The weather was perfect and surprisingly warm for mid-November. Hmmm, must be that climate change thingy in action. I suppose that I wouldn't mind the climate change thingy if the changing didn't affect the climate. Problematic no doubt. Anyway it was a perfect mid-autumn day and I'll be posting up some photags just as soon as I unload those pictures from the old Nikon. Yes I have me a Nikon camera and I love to take the photographs. No apologies to Paul Simon. My Nikon is a work horse and the Nikon and myself have been together for quite a whole now. So and back to the beginning, t'was a beauty No apologies to the Mackenzie brothers or Canadians. Kind of eerie that we didn't spot too many raptors. You know, hawks and eagles and falcons they're raptors. We spotted one eagle and possibly two red tail hawks. Hard to tell about the red tails, the hawks were a ways off and I didn't have my binocs with me. Back in the day we used to spot hundreds of raptors on any day driving out in the boonies. Not yesterday. You'd think that with as nice a day as yesterday was, well, there should have been any number of raptors out doing their raptor thing. Nope. Not yesterday and I'm thinking there haven't been too many days when the raptors have been out. Damn, I think that just sucks. Oh well, not much can be done about the loss of raptors now. All their favored habitats are gone and developed. The developments are NOT an improvement on pre-existing wild land. The "new" developments are ugly as a Jackson Pollock painting using Legos as medium. The developments are way short of any style or substance. Ain't not a dang thing can be done about that short of a nuclear neighborhood armageddon. That'd probably suck too. So machine art is next and that's all for this here Monday.

look don't touch -

elk not fenced in -

we saw a small herd of elk while out driving yesterday. the elk had been corralled and fenced in. what the fuck is up with that? 😡

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