Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Ribbon Ranger Meets A NonBinary Hump Day

 Hi there. It seems like only yesterday we sat down to have a wee chat over a cup of coffee. Hmmm, I suppose it was yesterday. Gosh how time flies when you're having fun. We are having fun...aren't we? About the only way all of this could be even more fun was IF you had red hot needles pressed slowly into your eyes. OR you were forced to sit in a room with trump and being forced to listen to his blabber about stolen elections. Gosh, that just passed analogy leaves having needles poked in your eyes sound like it might not be so bad. How is trump not in prison? Talk about the wheels of justice turning slowly. When it comes to trump, the wheels of justice grind to a complaining halt. Say and speaking of trump, what's happened to his 'Barbie' daughter Ivanka? I think that's her name. Married to that Jared guy? That Jared guy what lost about seven hundred pounds using the Subway sandwich diet? Yeah, that guy. Oh hell, who cares. With any luck the insipid trump twinsies took a very long walk on an extremely short and rickety pier. Not Pier Morgan. I read on the internet that the insipid trump twinsies moved to Madagascar. We should all feel sorry for Madagascar. Madagascarians thought having penguins and escaped zoo critters were bad. Not even close. So there you have it for a Wednesday. Machine art comes next.

camp x-ray delta grown over Guantanamo -

to the desert and our very own West Desert -

beauty day eh?...😏

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