Thursday, November 18, 2021

Oh Yeah So Now It's Thursday

 Time marches on! Details at 11:00. Congress declares a mistrial in bipartisan deliberations over money. You see Congress takes the money and then squanders that money like it hardly matters to the Congress. It doesn't matter. Not to the Congress. That's not their money that money belongs to the American people. Americans give and the Congress takes. Simple as that. The buffalo head wearing buffoon that was a real showstopper during the January 6, 2021 insurrection and riot at the U.S. Capitol goes to federal prison for 41 months. Awww, is that a pity or what. The dumbass evidently thought that he wouldn't get prosecuted for his "antics." So this asshole gets prison time and what about trump? Trump should be in prison for squirting out 'Barbie' Trump. That would be Ivanka. An actual and for reals waste of human existence. Okay so that will be quite enough for now. I'm starting off being insulting for this here Thursday and so what. Insulting is as insulting works it's way into the mainstream Amerikan way of a Thursday. That's almost Zen-like. Zenesque. Hey, I just made up a new word. Maybe the Merriam-Webster people will take notice. Or not. Machine art comes right about now.

Zuni landscape -

plaque not plague -

did you know that porcelain is actually clay? well it is and the Zuns aren't gonna like me taking liberties with their homeworld. you know on account of the first "art" I posted, it is Native American Heritage Month after all. 👅

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