Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Rain On The Cop26 Parade

What COP26 really means is "the United Nations Conference of the Parties." Gosh and I did not know that and had to google the acronym to find out what the hell. So 'COP26' really has nothing to do with effecting change that will ameliorate the damage already done to our planet by our world's nations. Wow is that a surprise or what. The COP26 was for the most part a non event and more of a photo op for political leaders to descend on Glasgow, Scotland to preen and pose then blather on and on about what might be done years down the road. That "road" by the way will be under water by the time any nations get around to actually doing more than piss up rope thinking that'll solve the climate problems. Actual and real work to alleviate climate problems plaguing our world SHOULD have been enacted about 50 years least. Probably more years ago than 50. Weather forecasters and I'm referring to the cutesy weather girls that currently forecast weather on the local tv news stations, are reading already prepared scripts. So any and for reals college educated meteorology is non existent on local weather reports. Most of the cutesy weather reader girls are there to show off their possibly surgically enhanced breasts and could NOT predict a reliable weather forecast if their fashion l'ensemble required such a forecast. Think vacuous and vapid. Shapely yes, but mostly air-headed. So the whiz bang COP26 was mostly a waste of time and our rapidly deteriorating world hasn't much time left. The massively confused nation of India committed to reducing their "carbon footprint" by the year 2070. A mere 50 years from today. There is a better than even chance that our world won't exist come the year 2070. Not in the way we all know and espouse care for our world at present. Realistically, there's not much chance of making any kinds of necessary changes to our world's approach to Earth's environment. Today's children and grand children will, in about 20 or 30 years from now, be sorely pressed to not send today's political leaders to a Nuremberg Climate Court to stand trial for environmental crimes against humanity. We all have it coming. Now for some machine art. Posted with love for all y'alls.

forestry -

by the drop -

our world used to be such a lovely place. 😠

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