Saturday, November 13, 2021


 Today is a day to celebrate nothing. There's not much to celebrate. I'm almost certain that people, somewhere, are celebrating Britney 'Barbie' Spears' release from a court ordered conservancy. I'm almost certain that 'Barbie' is happy to get her money back. The Spears' daddy had control of her money. No more of that. Steve 'suck ass' Bannon is going to prison. That's almost something to celebrate. I wonder if Bannon thinks all that trump bullshit was worth going to prison over. One of the guys that went to space with Captain Kirk was killed in a plane crash. That's probably not a good reason to celebrate. Had it been Shatner that had been killed, well, that's an entirely different story. Still there's not much to celebrate there. So that about sums it all up for this here Saturday. Nothing overly rash is going on and that's probably reason enough right there to celebrate. So I'll move on to the machine art and call it good. It's good!

pigbone takes to the skies -

is it live or is it memorex -

memorex was a big deal back in the day. does anyone even use memorex anymore? do people even know what memorex was? 😎

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