Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Automated Gatekeepers

 Automated gatekeepers and the kingdoms they control. The automated gatekeepers piss me off no end. Have you tried to call any one of the big service providers lately? You know like the power company, gas company, phone company, or any of an incredible number of business venues that back in the day were easily contacted by phone. These automated gatekeepers have also taken over just about ALL of our government agencies. Such as Social Security comes to mind right off. You call a 1-800 number expecting to be greeted by someone close to being human and no, you don't get to speak to a human you get to be greeted by some automated gatekeeper that may or may not allow you to proceed further in a quest to resolve some issue that the aforementioned resolution ABSOLUTELY needs the human touch. If nothing else, to be understood one human to another human. But no...you'll get some wise ass artificial intelligence that will pose to you any number of kafka-esque responses to basically simple human language questions. Judas, it's not that hard but then again maybe it is. The artificial intelligence answer-the-phone bot will ask for whatever it is you may in fact need, ask you politely what it is you may be calling about and please respond to the answer-the-phone bot in simple terms AND THEN will want you to key in your response on your phone pad. The answer-the-phone bot won't understand whatever it is you're calling about, won't understand your answers to very stupid artificial intelligence questions, ask you to repeat your response, ask you to repeat using your telephone key pad, ask you to start all over again, and never not once will the answer-the-phone bot allow you to speak with a human. You see, the computers have already taken over everything that revolves around our understanding of this brave new twenty first century world and dang it if that ain't about some bullshit there boy. I hate having to scream into my telephone all the while I'm arguing with some nondescript answer-the-phone bot that is godahmighty and damn stupid on basic human terms. I can readily admit that screaming into my phone while arguing with a machine seems really stupid on the face of it but, I do it anyway for the simple satisfaction that comes from screaming at an inanimate object or voice program that is being worlds of obstinate. Sometimes while in the middle of one automated programming encounter and screaming all the way through, you'll get connected to a human, finally, and have to explain why you've been screaming into the phone and now when finally reaching a human you've got to apologize for screaming at a machine. God dang it if that's not humiliating AND irritating all at the same time. The bigger problem is that now the computers and artificial intelligence gizmos have taken over, humans are not just codependent on the damn machines, the humans are vitally dependent on the inanimate fuckers and done is done. The humans are so screwed and haven't yet woken up to the fact that all of humanity is now enslaved to all the devices that have seductively taken over. "By me a new 5G phone daddy...please?" Yes, postmodern humanity in all of our very dependent glory. Yeah that is some ridiculously inane bullshit there and WE allowed this take over with it's accompanying slavery. Gosh, we didn't even need to get loaded onto slave ships. You see all the slave ships are resting at anchor waiting to gain access to one of those clogged up shipping ports. Humans are stupid if humans are anything at all. Besides being screwed. Here comes...you guessed it...machine art. Damn...!!!

out in the cold -

woke up with wood -

have you ever stopped to think about how easily it was for the machine to take over? 😲

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