Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Inversion Season Begins

 The land behind the Zion Curtain hasn't seen moisture in the form of snow since October 2021. Today is the last day of November. Winter is creeping its creepy dang season forward and time along with the seasons waits for no human. The phrase used to read 'time waits for no man' but in today's mea culpa correctional trending bullshit, ain't not a supposed to say "man." That in and of itself poses any number of problems for men. Oh crappies I digress. Back to the beginning all over again. We ain't not had no dang stinking snow and politicians that are heavily indebted to the ski resort lobbyists are freaking out. You see a way out here and behind the Zion Curtain we get an atmospheric inversion that is conjoined to the winter season. Brief definition would read, cold air sinks to valley floors and warm air rises aloft and therefore and thereby trapping the cold air down where the peoples live and that cold air traps and collects all the human inspired particulates and pollutions so the air we breathe isn't breatheable. Breathable? Yeah, probably that one. Can't breathe and there isn't any policing agency planting a choke hold on folks so can't blame the police. We can however blame the dumb ass politicians that refuse to do more than about squat regarding atmospheric particulates and in general pollution. So little by little earlier and earlier inversion sets on and by about February, folk can't breathe. Tie in the Covid-19 in all of its inglorious variants and talk about pulmonary distress. Death? Death by lack of clean air to breathe. While choking to death slowly might seem like not so bad a way to croak, I find the notion to be anathema. Anathema is a fanciful big word meaning oh shit not that and vehemently so. It is 'big word Tuesday' so big words it shall be. Long story short and I can understand why any reader will be happy about that, skiers are vexed and woefully unhappy. Ski resort owners and operators can't make snow fast enough as the artificial snow melts away faster than the snow maker guys can make fake snow. You see the inversion only plagues valleys and up in the higher altitudes where the snow might ordinarily lay, the elevations are out of any inversion troubles so it's warmer at elevation and the fake snow melts. Dang if'n it ain't about one thing it is about several other dang things and so it goes. According to climatologists and various weather professionals, there isn't gonna be any snow for quite a while yet to come and the Great Western Drought 2021/22 shall plod merrily along and oh those pesky dang drought plagues shall continue to continue. Actually the Great Western Drought has been about the drought business for years now and won't be too much longer and there won't be a drop of water to be had anywhere west of the ole Mississippi. All points west shall dry up and blow gracelessly out to sea. Say bye bye to livable and hello barren wasteland. Now we move it along to the machine art part of todays inversion themed program. Cha-cha...

adventures of pigbone -

happens -

as an added bonus at the start of inversion season, I tossed that 'cha-cha' in just because. I can do that. 💃

Monday, November 29, 2021

Burn Them Books

 A way out here behind the Zion Curtain, we've got us a genuine dust up over books. Books in high school libraries to be quite specific. Or exact. Doesn't really matter much. You see there are parents living within the Canyon School District that have their puritanical knickers all in a wad over icky books. Any and all books that fall into disfavor with puritanical parents are 'officially' considered as icky. Books about critical race theory, that gawdawful "homosexual love", gays with children, lesbians in general, and anything that doesn't quite fit in with today's postmodern conservatism. That should read fascist/nazi nuance. You see there are nine yes count them 9 books that have fallen under the old fascist/nazi censorship guidelines AND the puritanical parents (one single fascist/nazi mother) demanded those dang icky books be removed from school libraries and the questionable books have been removed. That's how censorship works a way out here behind the Zion Curtain. One lone mother that wouldn't know literary freedom IF that literary freedom were to bite the bitch on her rather large tookas. Mom has to wear a 'wide load' sign on her rather large keister so as to give folks notice that she's a coming or going this a way. Or that a way. Just get outta her way or she'll hip knock you to the side of a road. Or aisle. Whatever. You'd think that in this here early quarter of the twenty first century, people would have intellectually evolved beyond Neanderthal knuckle dragging. Well not here in Utah. So to add insult to First Amendment injury, the goodly folk living within the confines of the Canyon School District are going to hold a book burning the week prior to Xmas. There was some serious discussions over whether to burn several of the local witches along with the books but that notion was tabled AS it was decided that burning local witches might seem controversial. Yeah, controversial. It is however almost perfectly legal to burn witches in Utah and the burners don't even need to get a permit. You do need a permit to burn books but that technicality will soon be removed by Utah's genius all old boy network Legislature. Can't be a havin' no dang permit requirements to burn books by golly. Restrictions on burning witches is under "discussions" at Utah's Legislature. There's even a legislative committee on the witch burning subject. Go figure. Machine art is next.

wonder of wonders -

jelly rolls -

living in Utah can be at times, entertaining. borderline retarded but entertaining. 👯

Sunday, November 28, 2021


 The new virulent variant is spreading like wildfire around our Planet. Leaders that think they only have to please themselves and their close pals. It's sickening and it's shameful. Politicians are splattering friends and close associates with largesse provided by taxpayers and the practice is damnable. Pick a politician, any politician, and the corruption is a pornographic stain on public service. The ugly truth of the matter is that the general public elects these vermin to public office and there really is no one else to blame. Damn them and damn them all to heck! Machine art is next.

three yes count them three -

walking nowhere -

bitch bitch bitch. wisdom and grumpy theory from an old guy. 🙅

Saturday, November 27, 2021


 We danced together


A long time ago

I remember 

Every move and


An incidental ballet

Of memory

machine art is next

Sevier River -

feathers -

memory seems a twisting fantasy OR is fantasy a twisting memory...who can tell. 😯

Friday, November 26, 2021

An Opaque Friday

 The 'official' post-gluttony season is well upon us. Stuffed like the sacrificial turkey, Americans are out and about shopping. Rack up those credit cards and make your kiddies happy. Charge it! I mean, don't your little darlings deserve to see you spend into bankruptcy? Spend that money as if you were under the influence of Congress. That's legally referred to as S.U.I.. Shopping or spending under the influence. Spend as if you're to spend next Christmas living out of a refrigerator box. Speaking of boxes, where do the homeless folk get those spiffy tents they mount up on any available public space? I've been in the way upscale Kirkham's Outdoor Products and those tents aren't cheap. Kirkham's used to be AAA Tent and Awning way back in the day. Now Kirkham's is upscale, trendy, tres chic, and you just about need reservations to get in the place. Almost like Tiffany's and Company. Tiffany's and Co does NOT allow homeless people inside their stores. Anyway, get out there and shop shop shop. Christmas is now less than one month off. Time flies when you're out shopping for Christmas doncha know. Shop shop shop and then head back home for leftovers and pie. Not pumpkin pie. I detest pumpkin pie. Well and pumpkin latte. Pumpkin latte...almost makes you wanna gag at the mention of the name. Okay and on that cheery post-thanksgiving sentiment let us move on to the machine art.

wild -

floral -

so there you go all exquisitely beautiful and crap like that there. 💬

Thursday, November 25, 2021


 Happy Thanksgiving! So be thankful you're not a turkey. Oh the turk-manity! Okay so, here's a little poem for this here pigging out day.

I think therefore

What's it all about


God bless us Michael Caine

The end

written by Don Nash

produced by Don Nash

graphic representations by Don Nash

narcissistic gloating by Don Nash

now for some Thanksgiving machine art.

also by Don Nash

accept no other


as previously stated

machine art

the general public is hereby notified -

longing -

so until we meet again...TTFN 🍗

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 ThumpDay would be the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. You know because Wednesdays are unofficially a 'hump day' and Thanksgiving is generally celebrated on a Thursday. So Thumpday. The fourth Thursday in the month of November. I could not tell you why Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in November but it is so there... After a google research on the subject of Thanksgiving being the last Thursday in November, we can all blame Congress. Congress passed an official law declaring the fourth Thursday in November to be Thanksgiving. That was back on December 26, 1941 the year that will live in infamy. Gosh doesn't that just about figure. Anyway there was some manner of dustup over what day Thanksgiving should be celebrated on and after some push, shove, name calling, fistfights, AND presidential executive orders, Congress legislated the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving and done is done. Let's eat! Don't you just know that Congress could fuck up a half decent wet dream and the lame freaks wouldn't even know why. Machine art comes next and I really didn't have to google that. I didn't by the way.

bird on a bridge span -

joker is certainly wild -

over in MLS world, Real Salt Lake actually beat some other team in the MLS playoffs. Seattle I do believe. however I don't follow soccer at all. I read the headline on the Salt Lake Tribune and the Tribune is the official newspaper for Utah. Well not really a newspaper. The Tribune quit being a newspaper when they made the switch to all digital reporting and sacked just about all of the ole time reporters. The Tribune was one of the first 'papers' in the country to switch to artificial intelligence (?) reporting of news. Let the computers do it the computers do everything. All the humans have to do these days is dodge the Covid. if'n you didn't get the vaccine, well, good luck with that. 😷

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Today Tomorrow

 Today then tomorrow then...PIG OUT! Yes America you've almost made it to THE day. There'll be football and beer. Hors D'oeuvres and beer. Family and beer. Then and only then will the carnage commence. Turkey! Turkey and smashed potatoes. Turkey and gravy. Turkey and stuffing. Turkey and rolls. Turkey and wine then beer. Pig pig pig then pumpkin pie and beer. Oh lordy the drooling is starting already. So the goal is to get through today then tomorrow then...then...EAT! Eat like there'll be no tomorrow. Of course for some Americans there won't be a tomorrow. Heart attacks, strokes, family squabbles with guns, beer induced gun violence, football induced gun violence, taking a nappies then gun violence, and won't Thanksgiving be just an extra special treat. Or not. For all those homeless Americans there's always the soup kitchens. Thanksgiving meals delivered to a homeless favored city park somewhere. Yes, Americans all across this overly indulged and pampered home world can eat until the tryptophan coma sets in. Or on. Or whatever. Count down on. Now for some appetizing machine art.

discarded auto -

a trick of the lighting -

americans might want to do a little fasting for now so's there'll be ample stomach space for eats. oink oink...🐷

Monday, November 22, 2021

Weirdness Exponential

 I found out this very morning that the neighborhood I grew up in, called Rose Park, is hosting wild turkeys. There weren't any wild turkeys in Rose Park when I was growing up. We had some rats and the occasional raccoon but no wild turkeys. The current denizens of Rose Park have adopted the turkeys and watch over them with diligence. That is so cool. I lived in Spokane for several years and there were wild turkeys all over the place. I even have some wild turkey feathers I was able to collect when back in the day we lived in New Mexico. Yeah I've been all over the dang western United States. All that being said, we're back behind the Zion Curtain for better or worse. My wife and I. Wild turkeys...go figure. On an unusually insane note, some asshole in Wisconsin drove his car down a Waukesha, Wisconsin street that was hosting a Christmas parade. Five people are dead and about 40 people are injured. The fuck drove through a police barricade to hit the parade folk. Christ! People have gone straight up fucking nuts. Savagely nuts. A Christmas parade. On an even more bizarre note, little Tucky Carlson had an interview with the Rittenhouse killer and doesn't that about figure. One aging fascist bigot interviewing a child budding fascist bigot murderer and that was on FauxNews. The insanity is spreading around our sorely troubled world. Antivax riots in Europe, Africa, and probably in Canada. However in Canada the Canadians have more trouble to deal with than antivaxxer antics. Canada has mass genocidal murder on their hands and the Canadian government has yet to figure out how to respond to that bloody news. Back to the animal news...we lived in Arizona and we routinely had coatimundi, ground squirrels, skunks, lizards, snakes, and the occasion scarab beetles roaming the neighborhood. That of course was back when and this is back now and gawd ahmighty if'n people ain't about acting the fool. Dangerous fools to be quite specific. Machine art is next and I'm hoping that doesn't turn into violence.

bored to tears -

owl mural -

does anyone make a nation-sized straight jacket? this here U.S. of A. is in dire need of a trip to a nation-sized padded cell. 👻

Sunday, November 21, 2021

A. Radical Jesuit

 That's right, A. Radical Jesuit. Now the truth can be told. Back in the day I studied for the 'priesthood'. Not anything mormon. I took a number of theology classes way back in the day from Fuller Theology Seminary. That's seminary and not cemetery. Although and looking back in hindsight, all the good that seminary did was about not much and could have just as well been a cemetery. All the theology study did was instill a raging disbelief and worlds of doubt about theology and christianity itself. However, the years spent in theology study did leave me with an unquenchable curiosity about things spiritual. Or mystical. Or sorcery. Which I did indulge in for years. Sorcery and not anything theological. I spooked my second wife so badly she decided life with moi was not worth the spooky shit and she left. Can't really blame her. I conjured up some dang thing that spooked the bejesus out of me. Whatever the thing was, I couldn't control it and for all I know "it" is still out there doing whatever it is conjured up spooky things do. Hmmm...that could explain the mysterious goings on around trump. The insane fuck is possessed. That's not my fault. Well at least I don't think so. Overall I find christians to be more than a mite stupid. And gullible. The silly freaks actually think that our Universe was created in exactly six days. Well and then there's the bullshit about Jonah being swallowed by a "whale" and then he, Jonah, was vomited back up and life was just peachy. The guy would have had to take a prolonged shower for certain. Anyway I think that churches and that's to include ALL churches need to pay taxes just like the rest of us. Those tax exempt churches are getting over and they're getting over large. They run scams that are legal and profitable and the fucks running the scams live la vida loca to be quite certain. You want to get Midas rich, start up a church and see how soon the money comes a raining in. Government can't and won't touch not a dime of it. Of course then there's the absolutely ridiculous crap about the "rapture." Christians and that's mostly those klanvangelical idiots, actually believe that 'Jesus' will come around and vacuum all the "believers" from off'n Planet Earth and they'll get to float around on clouds of glory while life on Earth goes to complete shit. 'Jesus' is gonna do that for the benefit of "believers" and that's to read klanvangelicals, just because. The "rapture" crap-o-la is theology on very thin ice. Really thin ice as in, it's bullshit and the New Testament doesn't teach anything about a "rapture." The New Testament teaches some stuff about love and caring for mankind. Feeding the poor. Being decent to one another. That's about the gist of it in a nutshell. Anything besides that is mostly not too well thought out and beyond ridiculous prattle. So, being A. Radical Jesuit is more than easily attained. Simply use the brains that evolution provided any human on good ole Planet Earth and THINK for about more than a minute. Thus endeth the sermonette for today and NOW we move on to the machine art portion of our preachable program. p.s. - I hold just about all religions in some degree of loathing. That's just me and I can do that on account of being A. Radical Jesuit.

bringing in the sleeves -

spinner -

IF there really is a 'hell' I probably got there the old fashioned way, I deserved it. I don't have any problem with that. I couldn't spend an eternity with christians. goddamn that would suck. really suck!!! 👼

Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Duplicitous Nature Of Duality

 In a seriously serious turn of events, Kimmy the K is "officially dating" Pete Davidson. Kimmy the K is of course the Kardashian woman that was married to Kanye 'crazy as hell' West. West has changed his name since his break with the K. I'm not all together certain what moniker West goes by now. YeeYee or Yippee or Yo or YoMama or EIO or Icky or yeah we could go on about forever here. I was altogether unaware that dating needed to be "official" and when did that happen. Back in the day you went out on a date and if there was any chemistry or slightest chance of a connection, well, you went out on a second date and there was no need for an "official" declaration. Intentions were on the table and that much was obvious. "Officially" I find the Kardashian woman entirely useless and the woman needs to get over herself. I haven't a clue as to who, or whom, Pete Davidson is or claims to be or would like to be. But the Davidson guy is now entangled in the wiles of a Kardashian and that can only turn out badly for Davidson. "Officially", the West character maintains that he's still "married" to Kimmy the K. Whatever that may in fact mean. It's entirely possible that our insanely insane buddy Kanye West may be married to any number of phantom women and only time will tell how that might play out. In other breaking news NASA is sending a rocket to smash an asteroid. NASA insists that the Earth in NOT at risk. Sure sure...that's what they always say right before the Planet gets racked into a solar system side pocket. So the Earth might not be at risk HOWEVER, Bruce Willis is going to die. Gosh, that's about a pity there boy. No doubt. A question for NASA, will all us lowly Planet Earth inhabitants get to see the asteroid being smashed by that asteroid killing rocket? I'm thinking that might be pretty dang spectacular. We might need some kind of "official" statement from NASA to reassure all us lowly Planet Earth types that it's only a sky show upcoming and nothing more than that. We are NOT at risk. Alrighty then let us safely move on to the machine art segment of today's prattle.

room with view -

scares crow -

remember...November is Native American Heritage Month. Americans are supposed to remember all the genocide wrought on America's First Nations people. Yee-ouchy! 😱

Friday, November 19, 2021

Fine Art Friday

 Let's put on our very best 'snooty' and ramble on. With today being Friday, we should end the week on a respectably high note. One of those mezzo soprano high notes. So freaking high that scraping fingernails down a chalkboard would be preferable. The obvious problem with that would be that mezzo soprano high notes are so gawd-awful, the fat lady should be shot on sight and put out of everyone's misery. Hmmm...so much for taking any "high road" to sophistication. I'm not. Sophisticated. Simply old guy rude and happy with that. You see a way back in the day, this was a very different America. Not a lot of uppity shit or nonsense like that there. Cowboy boots were considered chic. Navy dungarees were high fashion. Braless women caused a sensation. AND really loud Led Zeppelin music was all the rage. Yeah, those were the days my friend and we all thought those days would never end. Damn if'n that wasn't about some naive bullshit. Nixon took America's presidency and life was all downhill from there. In my lifetime I've seen any number of American presidents come and go. Nixon was about the worst at the time. Ronny Raygun seemed to be the worst at the time. Little George Bush seemed to be about the worst president EVER. And then came trump. Judas H. Priest, trump set the bar for American presidents so low that an avenging American president would have to belly crawl down Pennsylvania Avenue to get close to the evil actions of trump. So let me see...where in hell was I...oh yes, fine art. There's no such thing. Art being whatever an "artist" can get away with being the predominant art motif, well, grab yourself a bucket of house paint and have at it. Splish splash and call that good enough. Or use catsup or mustard, or pickle relish. or raw fish guts. It's all the same and if you've the right connections, well, the art world will get taken by storm and you'll get rich. Well, maybe not you but some art dealer will get rich. You see the artists rarely make much bank off'n their work. After the aforementioned artist goes cack, that's an entirely different story. So go ahead and take the world by storm and see if "fame" is not about one colossal bitch to acquire. I'll be happy to wait until after I'm incinerated. Cremation is my plan for a final resting place. I don't want to get buried and end up worm food. Damn that would just suck. Not for the worms though. Okay then and machine art comes next. Happy Friday anyone, out there, paying even the slightest bit of attention. I'm not holding my breath.

Mothra -

holding the bag -

were you in need of some artistic inspiration...look at the work of Jackson Pollock or that Chinese guy. Ai Wei Wei? Ahhh Pee Pee? whatever... 😲

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Oh Yeah So Now It's Thursday

 Time marches on! Details at 11:00. Congress declares a mistrial in bipartisan deliberations over money. You see Congress takes the money and then squanders that money like it hardly matters to the Congress. It doesn't matter. Not to the Congress. That's not their money that money belongs to the American people. Americans give and the Congress takes. Simple as that. The buffalo head wearing buffoon that was a real showstopper during the January 6, 2021 insurrection and riot at the U.S. Capitol goes to federal prison for 41 months. Awww, is that a pity or what. The dumbass evidently thought that he wouldn't get prosecuted for his "antics." So this asshole gets prison time and what about trump? Trump should be in prison for squirting out 'Barbie' Trump. That would be Ivanka. An actual and for reals waste of human existence. Okay so that will be quite enough for now. I'm starting off being insulting for this here Thursday and so what. Insulting is as insulting works it's way into the mainstream Amerikan way of a Thursday. That's almost Zen-like. Zenesque. Hey, I just made up a new word. Maybe the Merriam-Webster people will take notice. Or not. Machine art comes right about now.

Zuni landscape -

plaque not plague -

did you know that porcelain is actually clay? well it is and the Zuns aren't gonna like me taking liberties with their homeworld. you know on account of the first "art" I posted, it is Native American Heritage Month after all. 👅

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Ribbon Ranger Meets A NonBinary Hump Day

 Hi there. It seems like only yesterday we sat down to have a wee chat over a cup of coffee. Hmmm, I suppose it was yesterday. Gosh how time flies when you're having fun. We are having fun...aren't we? About the only way all of this could be even more fun was IF you had red hot needles pressed slowly into your eyes. OR you were forced to sit in a room with trump and being forced to listen to his blabber about stolen elections. Gosh, that just passed analogy leaves having needles poked in your eyes sound like it might not be so bad. How is trump not in prison? Talk about the wheels of justice turning slowly. When it comes to trump, the wheels of justice grind to a complaining halt. Say and speaking of trump, what's happened to his 'Barbie' daughter Ivanka? I think that's her name. Married to that Jared guy? That Jared guy what lost about seven hundred pounds using the Subway sandwich diet? Yeah, that guy. Oh hell, who cares. With any luck the insipid trump twinsies took a very long walk on an extremely short and rickety pier. Not Pier Morgan. I read on the internet that the insipid trump twinsies moved to Madagascar. We should all feel sorry for Madagascar. Madagascarians thought having penguins and escaped zoo critters were bad. Not even close. So there you have it for a Wednesday. Machine art comes next.

camp x-ray delta grown over Guantanamo -

to the desert and our very own West Desert -

beauty day eh?...😏

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Journey To The Far Side Of Now

 It's Tuesday. Which makes perfect sense considering that yesterday was a Monday. Wow is that existential or what. So some country singer guy received news that his daughter had been murdered. That has so got to suck. The guy had to cancel his country singer tour. Yeah that has so got to suck. Not cancelling a country singer tour. News about a daughter being murdered. Sucks for sure. However and on to happier news, Britney 'Barbie' Spears was freed from enslavement to her father. Spears' slaver father can't help hisself to Britney's money anymore. Good news for Britney and sucky news for slave master daddy. The Britney's daddy comes across as a for real and genuine asshole. Insufferable prick to be certain. Steve Bannon, one of trump's racist provocateurs, gets to see the inside of a federal jail. Bannon is going on trial for contempt of Congress. However the federal judge overseeing Bannon's case let the fucker free on his own recognizance. I have no doubt that Bannon will ghost in a hurry. That federal judge didn't make Bannon surrender his passport. I'm willing to bet that Bannon has a passport. Might not be a U.S. passport but whatever. Here and deep inside the Zion Curtain one of the Mormon Church leaders name of Dallin Oaks, maintains that gay students at BYU were "not" shocked while he, Oaks, was president of Brigham Young University. Oaks was the school's president back a while ago and that was when gay students at BYU had to keep their sexual preference a closely guarded secret. But none of the gay students were electrified to shock the gay right out of them. According to Oaks. You see electric shock treatment was used on campus of BYU so the school wouldn't have to deal with gay/lesbian issues. BYU officials made aware of a gay/lesbian student would force those students into "therapy" that was actually a cover for torture. Yeah those Mormons can be shocking with very little provocation. ZZZZHT! There... now you're not gay. Not anymore. Shocking I tell you simply shocking. But and you see, Oaks never allowed gay/lesbian students to be tortured. Sure sure...we believe you Dallin buddy. Not. So in an electrified change of pace...we're off to the machine art segment of today's program.

dachs -

F M -

I think the above image is Liza Minnilli. I think so but...I could be wrong. that happens from time to time. my being wrong... 😬

Monday, November 15, 2021

Five Lanes To Vegas

 Yesterday was a rare autumn day out here behind the Zion Curtain so, the wife and I drove out to the west desert. The weather was perfect and surprisingly warm for mid-November. Hmmm, must be that climate change thingy in action. I suppose that I wouldn't mind the climate change thingy if the changing didn't affect the climate. Problematic no doubt. Anyway it was a perfect mid-autumn day and I'll be posting up some photags just as soon as I unload those pictures from the old Nikon. Yes I have me a Nikon camera and I love to take the photographs. No apologies to Paul Simon. My Nikon is a work horse and the Nikon and myself have been together for quite a whole now. So and back to the beginning, t'was a beauty day...eh? No apologies to the Mackenzie brothers or Canadians. Kind of eerie that we didn't spot too many raptors. You know, hawks and eagles and falcons they're raptors. We spotted one eagle and possibly two red tail hawks. Hard to tell about the red tails, the hawks were a ways off and I didn't have my binocs with me. Back in the day we used to spot hundreds of raptors on any day driving out in the boonies. Not yesterday. You'd think that with as nice a day as yesterday was, well, there should have been any number of raptors out doing their raptor thing. Nope. Not yesterday and I'm thinking there haven't been too many days when the raptors have been out. Damn, I think that just sucks. Oh well, not much can be done about the loss of raptors now. All their favored habitats are gone and developed. The developments are NOT an improvement on pre-existing wild land. The "new" developments are ugly as a Jackson Pollock painting using Legos as medium. The developments are way short of any style or substance. Ain't not a dang thing can be done about that short of a nuclear neighborhood armageddon. That'd probably suck too. So machine art is next and that's all for this here Monday.

look don't touch -

elk not fenced in -

we saw a small herd of elk while out driving yesterday. the elk had been corralled and fenced in. what the fuck is up with that? 😡

Saturday, November 13, 2021


 Today is a day to celebrate nothing. There's not much to celebrate. I'm almost certain that people, somewhere, are celebrating Britney 'Barbie' Spears' release from a court ordered conservancy. I'm almost certain that 'Barbie' is happy to get her money back. The Spears' daddy had control of her money. No more of that. Steve 'suck ass' Bannon is going to prison. That's almost something to celebrate. I wonder if Bannon thinks all that trump bullshit was worth going to prison over. One of the guys that went to space with Captain Kirk was killed in a plane crash. That's probably not a good reason to celebrate. Had it been Shatner that had been killed, well, that's an entirely different story. Still there's not much to celebrate there. So that about sums it all up for this here Saturday. Nothing overly rash is going on and that's probably reason enough right there to celebrate. So I'll move on to the machine art and call it good. It's good!

pigbone takes to the skies -

is it live or is it memorex -

memorex was a big deal back in the day. does anyone even use memorex anymore? do people even know what memorex was? 😎

Friday, November 12, 2021

Curious If Not Really Curious

 For some reason known only to the google kids, today celebrates Johannes Vermeer. A Dutch painter considered by some (?) to be the 'finest Dutch painter in all the world'. That's some heady praise there boy. Vermeer was born sometime in October of 1632 maybe. An actual Vermeer birthday is shrouded in the mists of fading history. Well and the Dutch were about really crappy at keeping track of birthdays. During a Baroque period, Vermeer specialized in scenes of domestic violence and mid-life crisis. Wait...is that right? Dang, I'd better google that and make certain, hang on for just a sec...CLARIFICATION - Johan buddy specialized in scenes of domestic interiors and middle-class life. Vermeer was only moderately successful painting in a provincial genre. That sounds like a little backhanded praise for sure. I googled up some of Vermeer's work and the guy wasn't bad so why the man would be considered as only moderately successful is beyond me. So sayeth the art critics. I hate art critics. The art critic fuckers go around trashing an artist's work and the credentials necessary to criticize any artist's work seem vaguely unrelated to the old art critic resume. Art critics seem wholly disconnected from the world of art and any contribution to the world of art by ANY art critic is minimal at best. Mostly nonexistent and that's fact. So, Vermeer stands alone in the world of art painting every day 17th century domestic life and middle-class folk are now as then, considered peripheral fluff. Today's art critic could NOT paint a thing other than coloring in a child's coloring book and that coloring would be outside the lines. So to all the spite-driven art critics out there...fuck off eh? Friday machine art is next and given that today is Friday well, I guess I'm about spot on.

ecstatic beauty -

bucolic -

a pilgrims progress will be celebrated all across amerika here pretty darn soon and that means turkey genocide has begun. 😵

Thursday, November 11, 2021


 The Alien Worlds Coalition has sent a message to Planet Earth. Yes my friends, it's true. Oh so very true. The Alien Worlds Coalition message came while most of the denizens of Planet Earth were busy doing "other things." So and of course, most of humanity remains clueless. There's stuff going on that requires attention spans to be focused elsewhere. Covid-19 plague and pandemic. Inflation. Supply chain disruptions. Mask and vaccine mandates. Excessive worries over who might win the America's Got Talent farce. Excessive worrying over who will be eliminated next on that silly dang Dancing With Some Star Or Starlet That Nobody Really Knows Whom The Star Or Starlet Might Be program. Gerrymandering. Merrymandering. Did O.J. Really Kill His ExWife. There you see? Humans are simply too freaking busy to notice when some really important message comes a wafting down from 'outer space'. Dang, don't you just hate it when that happens? Me too. Oh yes and what did that already mentioned message from the Alien Worlds Coalition have to say to all us rather insignificant human insects? The message from the Alien Worlds Coalition states and categorically I should add, "Stay the hell away from all of our civilized Planets you trashy pigs and grow the fuck up." Short and to the point rather decidedly. An addendum to the original message reads, "Your Planet has been posted as a NO TRESPASSING ZONE so don't even try leaving!" Seems to me that we and I mean all of humanity, should be paying better attention to the signs and notices posted in and around our Solar System. Machine art is forthcoming. For now anyway.

surrealist -

graphic design #2 -

the truth is out there but no one is really paying any attention. 👽

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Mike Mike Mike...

 Do you know what day it is? It's been awhile for obvious reasons. That being said, I do love the hump day camel. Cracks me up every time. So there's really not much on the docket for today. To be quite clear on the matter...I've got nothing. Sure there's an abundance of crap to bitch about. I'm not in the mood. Not today. So we'll segue over to the machine art portion of today's program and call it good.

wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald's car -

kid buddha -

some days it doesn't pay to turn your clocks back an hour at the end of daylight savings time. 👾

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Automated Gatekeepers

 Automated gatekeepers and the kingdoms they control. The automated gatekeepers piss me off no end. Have you tried to call any one of the big service providers lately? You know like the power company, gas company, phone company, or any of an incredible number of business venues that back in the day were easily contacted by phone. These automated gatekeepers have also taken over just about ALL of our government agencies. Such as Social Security comes to mind right off. You call a 1-800 number expecting to be greeted by someone close to being human and no, you don't get to speak to a human you get to be greeted by some automated gatekeeper that may or may not allow you to proceed further in a quest to resolve some issue that the aforementioned resolution ABSOLUTELY needs the human touch. If nothing else, to be understood one human to another human. But no...you'll get some wise ass artificial intelligence that will pose to you any number of kafka-esque responses to basically simple human language questions. Judas, it's not that hard but then again maybe it is. The artificial intelligence answer-the-phone bot will ask for whatever it is you may in fact need, ask you politely what it is you may be calling about and please respond to the answer-the-phone bot in simple terms AND THEN will want you to key in your response on your phone pad. The answer-the-phone bot won't understand whatever it is you're calling about, won't understand your answers to very stupid artificial intelligence questions, ask you to repeat your response, ask you to repeat using your telephone key pad, ask you to start all over again, and never not once will the answer-the-phone bot allow you to speak with a human. You see, the computers have already taken over everything that revolves around our understanding of this brave new twenty first century world and dang it if that ain't about some bullshit there boy. I hate having to scream into my telephone all the while I'm arguing with some nondescript answer-the-phone bot that is godahmighty and damn stupid on basic human terms. I can readily admit that screaming into my phone while arguing with a machine seems really stupid on the face of it but, I do it anyway for the simple satisfaction that comes from screaming at an inanimate object or voice program that is being worlds of obstinate. Sometimes while in the middle of one automated programming encounter and screaming all the way through, you'll get connected to a human, finally, and have to explain why you've been screaming into the phone and now when finally reaching a human you've got to apologize for screaming at a machine. God dang it if that's not humiliating AND irritating all at the same time. The bigger problem is that now the computers and artificial intelligence gizmos have taken over, humans are not just codependent on the damn machines, the humans are vitally dependent on the inanimate fuckers and done is done. The humans are so screwed and haven't yet woken up to the fact that all of humanity is now enslaved to all the devices that have seductively taken over. "By me a new 5G phone daddy...please?" Yes, postmodern humanity in all of our very dependent glory. Yeah that is some ridiculously inane bullshit there and WE allowed this take over with it's accompanying slavery. Gosh, we didn't even need to get loaded onto slave ships. You see all the slave ships are resting at anchor waiting to gain access to one of those clogged up shipping ports. Humans are stupid if humans are anything at all. Besides being screwed. Here comes...you guessed it...machine art. Damn...!!!

out in the cold -

woke up with wood -

have you ever stopped to think about how easily it was for the machine to take over? 😲

Monday, November 8, 2021

Fifth Generation Spooky

 Fifth generation is longhand for 5G. 5G is of course all the rage and people are snapping up the 5G crap-o-la as fast as the 5G devices can come off the assembly lines. There seems to be no 'supply chain disruption' to the 5G nonsense. 5G towers are popping up just about everywhere. The dang towers seem to pop up like mushrooms after a heavy summer thunderstorm. I've had 5 of the spooky things erected in my neighborhood and no one and I do mean absolutely NO ONE said word one about those towers going up. You see, local authorities are "mandated by Congress" to under no circumstances interfere with the 5G towers being erected. I find that really freaking curious. Why would Congress author such an outrageous and dictatorial piece of legislation? Short answer is...money. Yes that good ole fashioned cash in hand lobbying by the tech concerns that own ALL the 5G bandwidths and ancillary bullshit. You know, Verizon and T-Mobile and Sprint and all those other unnamed concerns that advertise just about all the time about how "superior" one service is over a second service and prattle prattle rattle and hum in one damn cancerous feedback loop. Yes cancerous as in the 5G shit is dangerous to expecting mothers and fathers that are banking on a righteous sperm shoot while doing the jiggy with the missus in hopes of spawning a youngling. Brain cancers and nasty sounding glioma brain cancers and ball rot in the testicles and swelling of the homeopistola stuff and oh holy help me I'm a dyin', all this 5G bullshit is simply that. Non-researched hazards to the human condition and damn you'd think that someone, anyone, would have taken the time to try and figure out all the dangers of this whiz-bang brammy new technology before the tower installations even began. Well the 5G shit was NOT researched. Not in the beginning of this epidemically induced technological wonder. There are a number of heady and graduate level "papers" on the possible dangers of 5G and yes, you must be at least a grad student in high technology shit to be able to really understand a great deal of what is being researched and papered. That being stated you can read the papers, articles, and scientific journal stuff to understand the gist of what's being whispered about in hushed tones and the bottom line is...no one really knows all the dangers posed by 5G and further research is being frowned upon as it will undoubtedly start a torrent of lawsuits and civic hysteria over being 5G poisoned while laying prone in the old family bed. The hi-tech fuckers are raining microwave death inside your domestic domicile and there's not a dang thing anyone can do about it. I find that just sucks and sucks large. So enjoy your 5G device while you still have at least two or three functional brain cells left and then wander zombie like into that dark night. Now you can understand the current fascination with zombie flicks. Jesus people are so easily deceived. Machine art is up next.

brrr cold -

waiting for the bus all day -

evidently the 5G crap was championed by trump and doesn't that just figure. trump got his beaver-toothed lackey at the FCC, Poontosh Paki is the lackey's name, to sell off the 5G bandwidths to the highest bidder. and so it goes... 😡

Sunday, November 7, 2021

A Return To Normal?

 Daylight savings time has ended for another year. "Spring forward, fall back." Come to find out, no one saved any time at all. The whole ordeal is smoke and mirrors so don't you believe it kids, it's all a trick. A trick of the light. Our world gets the same amount of sunshine during the 'savings time' gimmick and that settles that. Sure the days get longer and that happens with or without the savings time bullshit. I admit to loathing the switch. All the savings time does is mess up my body clock for about two weeks and I get that twice a year which curiously coincides with the switch the clocks forward then switch the clocks back. Ridiculous. Arizona has the right idea as Arizona does NOT participate in the turning clocks forward then turning clocks back illusion. So it goes and America is back on standard time. Yippee. Life becomes two weeks of a fucked up body clock give or take a day or so. America can be called any number of names and stupid is right up at the top of almost any dang list you can think of. Stupid is as America does. If you might need any reminder of exactly how stupid America as a nation can be, well, take a good hard look at the trump. How is that obese freak not in jail? Machine art is next up on one grumpy Sunday and fuck the entire daylight savings drill.

scrappy squirrel -

surreal -

just another day in the land of the confused. 😳

Saturday, November 6, 2021

If I Could Talk To The Trees

 After much scientific study it has been determined scientifically that trees communicate with one another. So the tree huggers don't seem so crazy after all. Don Juan Matus maintains that brujos can turn themselves into trees. Personally, I haven't been able to pull that one off. Not yet anyway. I'll bet that the trees are talking some serious smack about the stupid humans. If you've ever wondered why there seems to be screaming at forest fires, it's the trees screaming while being burned alive. Damn that has so got to suck. Being burned alive. Ouch! It has always occurred to me that trees are speaking to one another but, I can't speak tree so there you go. Turns out that trees are worlds of patient. The trees don't seem to mind too much being peed on by the dogs. The trees are welcoming with open branches for birds to nest in. And the squirrels of course. Trees have to be welcoming with open branches, the trees don't exactly have arms. Not any arms in the sense humans might understand. I would assume that trees know a lot about our world. The trees live for a dang long time. The bristle cone pine trees live for thousands of years and their longevity might be attributed to the fact the bristle cones live way the hell up in the thin air regions of mountains. Western mountains. The bristle cones don't bother with the ugly side of the Mississippi River. So next time you pass a tree, be sure to say hello and be nice. All those trees might just be talking about you and to your face. They can do that on account of the humans don't understand the tree language. Languages? I can honestly admit that I really don't know. I can't speak tree. On to the machine art segment of today's program.

how green is the valley -

Kid Charlemagne -

on an unrelated note, books are made of paper and paper is made from trees. it would seem rather unkind to find out that all the paper being waded up and tossed on the scrap heap comes from murdered trees. 😟

Friday, November 5, 2021

The First Friday

 Yes my friends, today is the first Friday in November. There just might be at least 3 more Fridays and possibly more than 3. It could happen. It seems more than likely that there won't be a "black Friday" the day after Thanksgiving. Not for this year anyway. The "black Friday" crap-o-la has started up already. Won't be too much longer and the whiz-bang retailers will start their 'black Friday' bullshit the day after Labor Day. There's something to look forward to. There is always something to look forward to. You know like the Covid or eviction or Aaron Rogers peddling ivermectin or the almost certain return of trump. Yeah some things are not worth the effort of looking forward to. I always thought that Aaron Rogers had better sense than to take a horse dewormer thinking that might protect him from the Covid. What'd ya know, Rogers is just another stupid footballer jock and will more than likely catch the Covid and wish to holy hell that he'd taken the Covid vaccine. Dumbass! Okay and so on that cheery note I'll slide on over to the machine art department and see what's on the menu for today. Most likely more machine art. Go figure.

the dreamer -

Sonoran Desert -

I do love me some Sonora. it's so peaceful... 😄