Sunday, May 23, 2021

So It's Settled

 Today is Sunday and that settles that. As if there was ever any question. All seems quiet for now on the Gaza Front and Palestinians can get to the work of rebuilding all their infrastructure obliterated by Israel. Israel does love that collective punishment crap. You see, Israel gets their knickers in a frothing knot at the mere mention of Hamas so they beat the living bejesus out of all Palestinians so as not to miss any member of Hamas. The murder seems fair as far as Israel is concerned. Israelis miss the irony of their treatment of Palestinians and how Jews were treated at the hands of Nazis up to and during World War II. Irony is not "blood libel." No it is not. So enough of that. On to the machine art which is exactly why Sundays were invented in the first place. That's my conjecture and I'll be sticking to it for now.

spookytooth -

snow and it's deep too -

so for this fine Sunday, here's a cheer for Captain Phil. you go buddy. :]

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