Thursday, May 20, 2021

It's Non Binary Thursday

That's right, today marks an historic first in binary pairings. Get it? Binary and pairing? Yeah well, never mind. Thursday is now and officially 'non binary'. Can't be offering any sort of bended gender-associative day of the week affiliation. Not any more. So what used to be "Thor's Day" is now simply The Day After Wednesday. Cause Thursday is 'allegedly' named after the Norse god of thunder, Thor and he was angry. And possibly confused but not about gender. Can't be a giving any gender monopolistic nomenclature to a regular day of a week. Besides them dang Norse gods were way over the top misogynistic as a general rule and all that Norse-based misogyny was and/or is getting out of hand. So from now on, all gender-based days of the week will have to be androgynous. Sorry all you Norse people, that's IF we can still call Norse folk...folk. We don't want to be insensitive now do we. So a Sunday should be okey-dokey and not insensitive. Sunday is gendered after our sun. I think. Monday should maybe still be alrighty then. Monday is named after our moon and I think our moon is not gender-specific. Lennon and McCartney did pen up a delightful little ditty titled 'Mr. Moonlight' but we really shouldn't make too much out of that. I think. Tuesday, well, Tuesday could be a bit confusing for the simple reason that it's Tuesday. I think. It could be that Tuesday is named after Tuesday Weld. But maybe not. Friday is probably close to being a thumbs up. Friday is named after the Norse god Frida. Frida or Freya? Oh hell that's close enough. However, Friday is really named after Frida Kahlo and Frida Kahlo was THE goddess of really cool art stuff. Uh-oh, that gender crap has reared it's insensitive head. Friday just might have to remain the same. Did you know that Frida Kahlo had this thing going with Diego Rivera and Rivera was sort of an asshole. Rivera was a pretty decent painter however. Rivera wasn't a god of anything other than helping Ms. Kahlo maintain her continued state of confused. Oh sorry I used the 'Ms.' associative and that should probably read "Mz." And there you go. As for Saturday, that day is named after the planet Saturn and it is more than obvious that naming a day of the week after one of our planets is really cool. Even Neil DeGrasse Tyson could agree with that. I think. Tyson is an astrophysicist and that's pretty dang heady stuff for any day of a week. Non binary or otherwise. I'm wholly of the opinion that all this gender non binary gender bullshit is really out of hand. I mean nothing really changes except for those "trans" people and I'm of the opinion that they've got more problems all in and of itself than any human, if we can still use that term, might care to deal with. Human, non binary human, non human binary, it, they, what, cares how, and/or what the fuck ever. Moving's machine art time and there's not much gender bended bullshit there but I could be wrong and it isn't like that hasn't happened before. Non gender specifically of course.

south central and rugged Utah -

and here's more south central and rugged Utah -

wild Utah does not give a flying fuck about gender non binary gender or whatever. you don't play by wild Utah rules and you'll be a dead person. there see? I didn't 'gender' the dead person thing. I get absolutely elated when I can make even a little social progress. Of course that progress is mostly gender specific. :]

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