Thursday, May 13, 2021

Kid Kushy vs. the World

 Palestinians and Israelis are at each other...again. Hamas which just so happens to be the legitimate government in the Gaza Strip launches new and improved bottle rockets into Israel and Israel responds "in kind" with massive air strikes that blow up entire multi-floored buildings in a single blast. The Israelis maintain their using overwhelming force to try, "once again", to exterminate Hamas. The details of ongoing violence are the same as always. The one side hates the other side and wishes they would all die. The other side hates that one side and wishes they would all die. So in wades Kid Kushy (that would be Jared Kushner spouse of Barbie Trump) who declares, "why won't you guys make nice with each other. You are making me look bad." You see, Kid Kushy set up this fabulous "peace" deal that greatly benefits Israel and the Palestinians not so much. If at all. That sort of thing will happen anytime bungling idiots try and negotiate peace deals that not all sides are in agreement with. So the snot hadn't even dried on the "peace accord" signed by Israel and the United Arab Emirates when violence broke out between Palestinians and Israelis. United Arab Emirates you might ask... yes indeed, Kid Kushy negotiated a "peace deal" between Israel and United Arab Emirates. The alleged "peace deal" has absolutely nothing to do with Palestinians and therein lies the problem. Muslims worshipping at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem during Ramadan were attacked by Israeli security forces. You see, Muslims fast for an entire all day long during Ramadan and get about irritable right before they (Muslims) break their fast. After prayers at the Al Aqsa Mosque right before meal time and Israeli security forces start up acting tough guy with hungry Muslims so the shit hits the fan before the breaking of bread commences. That crap happens just about every Ramadan but this time the violence was not simply contained to the Al Aqsa Mosque. The violence spread to Jerusalem in general and then violence broke out all over Israel. Hamas engaged Israel with their bottle rockets and Israel responded with "overwhelming force" to counter Hamas' rockets. Back and forth and forth then back. The fighting is endless and has been endless for a very long time. But and anyway, Kid Kushy has his panties in a wad on account of his feeble attempt at adult diplomacy turned up a crapper. Poor baby. The Palestinian/Israeli violence will more than likely get far worse before things cool off and could very well turn into full scale war. Israel is mass troops and heavy artillery along the Israeli border with Gaza as I keyboard this rather succinct prattle. It's gonna get bloody damn ugly people so hold on for further details when details are available later on. Be sure to laugh heartily at Kid Kushy, he's a for real dumb ass and today's candidate for DumbAss of the Year award to be given out at some future date. Machine art is next.

artsy stuff in gold leaf surrealism -

rocks not rockets -

Israeli Arabs are asking themselves on this fine morning or afternoon as the time zone might reflect, "we can't we ever have nice things?"

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