Monday, May 10, 2021

It's Your Lucky Day

Well it might be IF you happen to be one of those ever faithful dreamers that play the lotto. Oh yeah. Today just so happens to be 5/10/20...1. That should read for all you dyslexic folk out there. That's okay to say, or write, as I happen to be one of those hapless fuckers that's lived with dyslexia all my life. So the numbers 5/10/20...and 1 can you play them in any combination and shoot, how miss can you? That's dyslexia in actual format. Sort of sucks but you learn to get along. Back in the day, dyslexia wasn't even a thing. Not in schools. The dyslexic were simply tagged as annoying, doesn't work or play well with others, twitchy, the question was posed "why does the child make so many faces and pull on his twig"? Back in the day it was common practice to call your thing a "twig." I have no clue as to why that was fashionable. So and on to more pressing matters, the Gates' divorce has a story behind it that has for the most part gone unreported. Oh yeah. Old Billy Gates is tied up in that rather icky if not out right nasty Jeffrey Epstein scandal. Oh that is true. Turns out our plucky Gates-man had to fess up to the wifey and that was when Melinny got the lawyers involved. It seems that Gates was pretty darn chummy with Epstein and the Mrs. Gates wanted truthful explanations. In steps...THE LAWYERS! the link is coming up linked in right about here -

Billy was getting his jiggy the old fashioned and illegal way, using the rather twisted services of Epstein. Evidently the fabulously über-rich can do that without any consequence. Of course the consequences come later and sometimes sooner rather than later if the wife pulls in THE LAWYERS! Old Billy has some serious 'splainin' to do and not just to his soon to be ex-wife. Oh no, Billy will have to explain himself and his twisted obsessions to a divorce court judge and the divorce court judges really don't care much for aberrant behaviors. Splitting those Gates' sheets isn't going to be neat and tidy. Billy's gonna need himself one really pricey lawyer. Or team of pricey lawyers. Yikes and OUCH!!! So goodbye yellow brick road. Yellow brick roads paved with real gold bricks. Gates should have just ponied up the price of a good hooker in Nevada and he wouldn't be in the mess he's in today. Which by the by is a good day to play the lotto and we've come darn near full circle. Pretty dang On to machine art which is the point of all this prattling bullshit. Machine art coming up about right now...

American Bison -

walking the yard (this is how it works Billy boy) -

as for an American Bison, they are really large with the emphasis on the large part. I have first hand experience with up close and personal with a really large American Bison. beautiful animals too. 

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