Sunday, August 11, 2024

You Can Tell

You can tell it's crawling into election campaign season by checking the propaganda and pleadings for donations that come to your home courtesy of the United States Postal Service. USPS gladly delivers whatever has been paid for, money wise, and trusted to the Postal Service to get that crap-o-la to your home on a daily basis excepting Sundays. Yes even the mail carriers get one day off. Just one with the occasional 'federal holiday' and that's it. Neither rain nor snow nor dark of night nor ... well .. whatever will stop the USPS from their appointed rounds. Even with the advent of email and/or other electronic communications, nothing shall deter the USPS from delivering all and every piece of postage paid crap. At least with the mail, you don't have to endure endless phone calls from some dang polling concern or political candidate that wants your vote but more importantly, that political candidate wants your money. The political candidates do not now or ever give a fig about your issues or situations, they want your money. Seems almost like just any other day in America. Now for Sunday machined artware.

nazca -

 precolombian -

precarious -

wreck -

sorcery -

pretty -

doorman -

heroic -

there is some light beginning to shine in election campaign land, NFL football is back and on television. pre-season football BUT ... it is football and most of the commercial interruptions are beer adverts and at least those beer adverts can be entertaining. 😎

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