Friday, August 9, 2024

Fabulously Freaky Friday

 America's treasonous and felony candidate for el Presidente has agreed to debate Kamala Harris on the Disney channel ABC. I'm of the opinion that Ms. Harris taunted trump into making one of the biggest mistakes of his miserable existence. Trump the blowhard is not even close to being an intellectual match for Kamala Harris. Ms. Harris is the real deal while trump is about ten hairs short of being a baboon. I suppose these "debates" will take place in September. Maybe. I'm not certain that trump won't weeny his way out of a debate with Harris. We shall see what we shall see. Quoting the now ex-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, "we don't know what we don't know." Dang if'n Rummy wasn't about prescient or what. Friday machined artware is up right about now.

bets -

the blogger seems to be on the fritz so ... this will be it until further bugs can be debugged. 😐

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