Friday, August 2, 2024

How Do You Decide

 When faced with inhuman horror ... war crimes and genocide ... how is anyone to remain neutral? How can an American President ignore the fact of genocide and war crimes and arm the machinery of genocide? America's present position on Israel's ongoing devastation of Gaza and the Palestinian people is puzzling in the least and outrageous on the face of it. America is complicit in Israel's crimes against Palestinian humanity and that complicity continues right up to the minute. Back in the day, America's war on Vietnam posed similar moral conundrums. Support the madness of illegal warfare? Oppose the madness of illegal warfare? The Vietnam horror divided America as does the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians. It seems rather heartless to support our Nation's current support of Israeli terrorism but you aren't really supposed to say anything in opposition to material madness. Speaking in opposition can cost a person a place in our postmodern social structure and open one up to random acts of censorship and discrimination. It becomes disheartening and appalling at how vicious is the response to being critical of Israel. The bottomline would be Israel's attempt to start a wholesale Middle Eastern war and drag America into their fight so as Israel can be sparred much of the costs of such a conflict and that would include a staggering number of innocent civilians killed and maimed. Israel's current campaign of assassinations of Hamas and Hizbollah leaders will produce a war that could very well turn into a global conflagration in a heartbeat. We are in some damn dangerous waters at present. Friday machined artwork is up next.

bad dog -

fruit -

host -

lobby -

oasis -

luddite -

pryor -

moe -

should the current and ominous bullshit turn truly bad, America's President (whoever that might be) will be forced to reinstate the draft. that's conscription for the unenlightened. I'll deal with that load of laughs should necessity require commentary. 😐

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