Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Bitter Feuds And Presidential Politics

 Nothing brings out the absolute worst in people and especially political contenders for high elective office, like an American Presidential Election Campaign. Campaign 2024 is turning into one damnable ugly series of insulting slurs, outright bullshit, lies, scurrilous innuendo, and just about any contrived dirt that can be manufactured by the clowns that earn their meager living by selling shit. I thought that the worst campaign in American history was earned by the Gore v Bush campaign of 2000. Which Bush won by the way but not before the U.S. Supreme Court interceded and gave that election to George W. Bush. Gore won the popular vote so we can dispel all notions of "democratic elections." Dubya Bush was the most intellectually challenged candidate up to and until Donny Trump hit the scene. Trump is most certainly stupid as a dead tree stump. However that has never stopped an American electorate from voting in the least qualified for Office. America does have a choice this election cycle 2024 and I do hope the majority of Americans are gut sick with the felonies and bullshit that comprise Trump. We shall see what we shall see ... dang is that about deep or what ... ? Tuesday machined artware is up right about now.

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I hold a rather naive and unfounded hope that America will come to its Democratic Republic senses and get back to the business of being America. the America with all it's warts, scars, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and the genocide. America does genocide better than any other nation on our Planet and that includes the holocaustal Nazis. too bad that Israel is about the business of trying to top America by waxing genocide on Gaza and Palestinians. 

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