Sunday, August 18, 2024

Go Ahead ... Express Yourself ... And Then ... BANG!

 The normally violent nation state of Afghanistan has never really been a hotbed of human decency. If Afghanistan isn't being warred on by Russians, then it's the United States, and in an interim, the Afghans fight amongst themselves. Or the Afghans fight with Iranians, or Pakistanis, or Chinese, or just about anyone stupid enough to wade into the Afghan quagmire of never ending hostility and killing. Generally and these days, the violence would be directed at women and children and any guy dumb enough to voice a legitimate complaint about the Taliban.

Here is a short non governmental version of what exactly might be considered "Taliban" - here goes ...

The movement "Taliban" found it's name from the word "Taliban" which is Pashto for "students" and I'd bet no one outside of Kabul or anywhere Afghanistan actually knew that "Taliban" is composed of peasant farmers and/or men studying Islam In Afghanistan and/or Pakistani madrasas or "religious schools." Pashto would be the 'majority' of Afghan society. So the "Taliban" are sort of like trump's maga-ites with better assault style rifles. The "Taliban" are particularly fond of AK-47's which just so happen to be the assault rifle of choice for many terrorists, militia twerps, Houthis, Saudis, and any number of assorted screwballs that take a liking to killing anyone that happens to feel the need to challenge folk carrying those AK's. A parallel notion would be those American AR-15's which aren't near as effective or reliable as an AK-47. Anyway, with the Taliban having free reign in just about all of Afghanistan, thanks to the old Soviet Union and then the United States, well all the educated Afghans that could, saddled up their donkeys and headed west with fleeing Americans. Now the few educated people that couldn't catch a ride with the Americans and of course the Afghan women and children are simple shit out of luck and fear for their very short lives as even so much as a wrong look can get you cacked by one of those Afghan Talibanners packing serious AK-47 heat. Did you know that should an Afghan man want to divorce his child bride all dude needs do is say three times fast, "I divorce you I divorce you I divorce you" and then dude shoots the bride in the head with his trusty AK-47 and that's that. Crude yet surprisingly effective at keeping the "women folk" in line and really really quiet. 

And there you go. Diplomacy can be a bit troublesome with Taliban types as they mostly don't like anyone sticking their uninvited noses into Afghan workings and they cling to their "Islam" like it was merely a thousand years back give or take a hundred years either way. Women and children of Afghan genetics and origins are left to fend for themselves as the men folk have important "Taliban" shit to take care of and there really isn't anyone in the "West" can figure out what that might be, Now for Sunday machined artware and do try hard to avoid the Afghanistan ... it's really for the best.

ocean -

frolic -

startle -

express -

way out -

frogger -

heron -

paint -

in some respects, Afghanistan is quite like Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama, those would be states in our America. peasant farmers running the states and "enforcers" carrying locked and loaded AR's with bumpstocks, religious puritanical lunatics that are assuaged to never forgive or forget with shoot first question later being their "gospel" and there you go. 😐

p.s. - happy birthday Sara

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