Sunday, August 4, 2024

Seems Quiet ... Might Be A Trick

 So far and actually this is only the first weekend in August 2024, but there seems to be an almost imperceptible hush spreading over the land. That hush could be a good thing, however, that imperceptible hush might just be a trick. Sure there's the usual rash of mass shootings and neighborhood gunfire but that's just normal for this time of year. Summertime stupid "accidental deaths" like the dumb ass that tried to make an illegal base jumping stunt from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. First off, the Park Service doesn't like people base jumping from any of the rims of the Grand Canyon so, that manner of stupid bullshit is against the law and Park Service rules. Did you know that when you pay to enter ANY of America's National Parks you tacitly agree to obey all the rules, regulations, and laws governing National Parks? Oh that is true yes it is. Read the signs posted at ALL National Park entrances and the signs state that quite clearly and that posting isn't even in the fine print. The Park Service takes it on face value that Americans aren't very good at obeying rules, regulations, and laws meant to keep any visitor safe while visiting National Parks. The Park Services also understands that Americans are a shade on the ignorant and stupid side and the Park Service does try to make allowance for that. Should visitors decide to take a base jump from off the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, Park Service is not responsible for the certain death that will automatically follow that sudden stop at the bottom of a base jump. It seems to me that folks should do far fewer acts of death defying insanity. The Park Service is in fact in charge of clean up after a stupid death defying insane stunt that ends up exactly how the Park Service stated categorically upon the now dead guy's entrance to the Grand Canyon. Jeez people ... it's really not that hard. I'm personally of the opinion that all of America's National Parks should be on a 'permit required' entrance to our National Parks. You'd have to enter a lottery to obtain a permit and that permit would specify when you might be able to visit a National Park and you would also have to swear a blood oath upon entering a National Park. You know an oath like America's politicians and presidents have to swear upon taking an elected office. Golly, look how well that worked for donny trumpet. Now for Sunday machined artware.

touring -

study -

blight -

poets -

gone -

whorl -

grifters -

blah blah -

I have to think that guy pulling the base jump stunt at the Grand Canyon had himself a real thrill ride on the way down ... and then ... and then ... SPLAT! that has so got to suck if only for a split second or so ... 😐

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