Saturday, August 31, 2024

Midsomer Murder @ The Grand Canyon

 Yes my friends it is true. There's some weird shit occurring at America's grandest national park and that would be the Grand Canyon. The month of August 2024 has produced a dang bumper crop of dead people and there's no real valid answer to the question posed ... what's up at the Grand Canyon? The National Park Service has yet to provide an answer and so ... the stiffs are piling up and with the loss of water to the Grand Canyon, well, the lingering stench of decaying human flesh is growing annoyingly stinky. Seems that along with visitors to the Canyon being found dead, the potable water that comes to the Park in a pipeline is non compos mentis. There's no water for air conditioning and the dead body refrigerator that relies on water for cooling is kaput. You see, the National Park Service that runs the Grand Canyon can't use any water from the Colorado River that runs through the Park. No they can not. All water from the Colorado River is already committed elsewhere and Park Service can't use any of that water so ... Park Service has to pipe their water into the Park so the motels that are allowed to operate in the Park have to send all the overnight guests packing to elsewhere. Get out and this means you! Anyway, besides the water crisis plaguing the Park, there's all these visitors being found dead and people have begun to ask questions and in a usual governmental bureaucratic banality, Park Service has no answers to questions and Park Service feels no immediate need to be forthright. Bummer no doubt. So if anyone is making plans to visit the Grand Canyon, you'll not be able to overnight there and that is for everyone's safety so hopefully, with visitors showing up dead, well, it's advised that there's some weird shit going on and stay away ... please. Now for Saturday machined art and the last Saturday in August 2024. It's Labor Day weekend kids so get on out there and enjoy. Just not at the Grand Canyon. Insert image here ...

Grand Canyon (thank you to Yelverton) -

elven -

warrior -

bumper -

patron -

strange -

parallel -

moscoso -

psyche -

when someone croaks at the Grand Canyon National Park, it isn't like you can call up 911 and ask for the paramedics. it takes a while to recover a stiff so, if at all possible cack somewhere else. 😎

Friday, August 30, 2024

Hitchhiker's Guide From Orbit

 How do two NASA astronauts that are currently stranded on the ISS make their way back to earth? Short answer would be ... they wait. They wait until 2025 and Elong Musk's SpaceX to finally get back on terra firma and head for home and probably never ever wanting to head back to space for a prolonged stay on any dang space station. The issue, and an ongoing issue for NASA, is the utter engineering disaster that is the Boeing 'Starliner' space capsule. Why NASA let this death trap fly astronauts into orbit is a question that haunts NASA like a blood splatter that can't be washed off one's hands following the act of committing astronauts to launch. NASA knew the 'Starliner' was an engineering flop and still allowed Boeing to attest their capsule's ready for launch. More than likely and the next session of Congress that shall commence January 2025, NASA brain trust guys and gals along with the Boeing corporate gangsters will be commanded to appear before a Congressional Committee investigate how and why NASA pissed away billions of taxpayer dollars on a space program that will, more than likely, burn up during Earth reentry. That reentry will provide a spectacular air show for anyone that happens to live within viewing distance of the 'Starliner' reentry. A really spiffy fireworks display would be cheaper but what the hell ... NASA has money to burn. American taxpayer money to burn. Now for Friday machined artware.

karma -

shit happens -

aces and 8's -

requiem -

abstract -

abstract revisited -

augment -

adrift -

I suppose the two stranded NASA astronauts could jump from the ISS but, they wouldn't hardly even make a light streak on reentry. 😐

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Make Those Holiday Plans?

 The last 'big holiday' of summer 2024 is up day after tomorrow. Saturday marks the opening day for a whopper of a three day weekend. Labor Day and a holiday created for the working American will find just about all of working Americans ... working. Government will be closed, banks will be closed, postal system will be closed, but and however ... that's about it. About the only sporting event happening this Labor Day weekend is tennis' U.S. Open. Yawn and boring ... Back in the day, professional tennis was fun to watch. Jimmy Conners, John McEnroe, Bjorn Borg, Chrissy Evert, and Martina Navratilova gave us tennis worth watching. These days tennis is mostly boring and not worth a bother. That's just my opinion so ... don't get those knickers all tied up in a bunch. I can imagine that any number of folk will take Friday off and start up a four day holiday weekend. That would be those workers fortunate enough to not have to work on Monday. Oh well ... that is the American way. Now for Thursday machined artware.

ronda rowdy -

cake -

treats -

perch -

jupiter -

port window -

antler -

mirrored -

following the Labor Day holiday and on the first Thursday after, NFL football commences the 2024 race to the Lombardi Trophy. are you ready for some football? 😐

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Suckerberg And Meta Bullshit

 Mark Suckerberg owner/operator of Meta/Facebook insists that the Biden administration "made them (meta/facebook) censor posts concerning the Covid-19 pandemic that began in March 2020" and Suckerberg makes the claim in August of 2024. You see and the real deal here, Meta/Facebook was allowing all manner of bullshit posts on the Facebook social thingy concerning the Covid-19 and therefore correcting the American public misconceptions about the pandemic became paramount. Why Suckerberg would allow false and misleading posts about a damnably dangerous pandemic is a question that the smarmy little prick refuses to answer to this day. Suckerberg is a natural weeny and just about the entire world knows it. Now for Wednesday machined artware. Someone please cue the camel.

sigmundo -

woman -

sagrada -

santuario -

sacred -

necro -

red -

kissy -

suckerberg is homies with asshats like Bezos, Musk, the sailboat uber riche guy that drowned in his mega super yacht and isn't that really tough. yeah a fate that should be spread around the uber riche ... 😐

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

There's Nuts And Then ...

 According to a story printed in the 'New Republic' and dated August 26, 2024, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. while in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, cut the head off of a dead whale that had beached it's dead ass on a Hyannis Port, Mass. beach, tied the whale head to the roof of the family minivan and proceeded back to the family domicile in Mount Kisco, New York. This little curiosity happened back in 2012. You see Kennedy Jr. cut the dead whale's head off with a chainsaw and according to 'The New Republic', Junior did shit like that all the time. So bottom line here would be Junior's truly weird fascination with collecting dead animals and bringing the carcasses back home to the obvious delight (?) of family and friends. That report adds credence to Junior's endorsing trump and the trump madness fits right in with Kennedy Junior's straight up freaking insanity and why the clown is now being legally disowned by the "official" Kennedy clan. The account left me wondering how it was that Kennedy Junior could chainsaw the head off a beached and dead whale and NOBODY thought to ask Junior what the fuck did he think he was doing. How did this creepy fool drive the five hours back to New York with a whale head tied to the roof of the family van and not once get pulled over by Highway Patrol to be questioned. Curious no doubt. Ted Kennedy drove his car off a bridge while doing the sly jiggy with a local gal and no one bothered to question Ted. Tales from the dark history of the Kennedy clan. Now for Tuesday machined artware.

churtle -

croc co -

choco -

leo -

dor -

hopper -

legend -

minotaur -

given the crazy nature of today's post, animals and mythic creatures seem a perfectly natural fit given the lunatic antics of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ... 😐

Monday, August 26, 2024

Houston? ... Boeing Has A Problem

 Two NASA astronauts that went into space and headed for the ISS riding in the Boeing "Starliner" space capsule and are now trapped in space at the ISS AS the worthless billion dollar Boeing "Starliner" can't bring the Astronauts back to earth. NASA fears that the "Starliner" won't survive re-entry to earth and NASA isn't willing to risk another space age tragedy and fry two astronauts during re-entry process. By the way, ISS is acronym for International Space Station. Boeing was, once upon a time, a leader in aviation and space travel technology. These days Boeing is mired in scandal, congressional investigations, and shoddy manufacturing practice and after NASA has handed billions of taxpayer dollars to Boeing to craft a novel and functional space craft, Boeing's "Starliner" is docked at the ISS unable to return to earth safely. Bummer for the two trapped astronauts, outrageous corporate malfeasance by Boeing while under contract to NASA, and this could well be the corporate demise of Boeing altogether and NASA will be back to square one and will have to rely on Musk's Space X space wagon to bring the stranded astronauts back to earth next year ... sometime. NASA and Boeing both look pretty dang stupid at present. At least NASA wasn't willing to risk the lives of two more astronauts simply to prove a point. The point being that NASA has lost its way regarding space exploration and can't be trusted to get humanity in the business of space exploitation. Bummer. Now we'll start the week, roll out the Monday machined artware, and continue the countdown to the first Tuesday in November. 

immense -

stairs -

twain -

vincent -

afraust -

karl -

koato -

koa el -

I could suppose that finding out you've no way home from orbit around our Earth can be a mind numbing bummer. trapped and no way home ... dang if'n that don't about suck ... 😐

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Billionaires Can't Float

 I'm going to dive into the demise of the uber riche billionaire guy Mike Lynch that went down with his "mega super yacht Bayesian" off the coast of Sicily during a rather hellacious Mediterranean storm and the super yacht "Bayesian" went down with all hands on board. The 'super yacht' went down like a bathtub rubber ducky. Evidently the Lynch billionaire guy had so dang much money he could squander a king's ransom building his 'super yacht' and the story goes to show the world that a fool uber riche billionaire is easily parted from his billions and uber riche guy probably and in hindsight, should have never allowed his ego to get in the way of sound ship building. You see Lynch, the uber riche guy, had his super yacht Bayesian built with the tallest mast ever produced for a super yacht and that was the cause of the super yacht going down to the sea with all hands under the water. The ship's mast is/was  246 feet high and the dang boat is/was a mere 184 feet long. So and doing the math, we have us a 'super yacht' that had a sail mast longer than the dang yacht and therefore said boat was top heavy and obviously so ... and so the 'super yacht' went over and down in a rough sea off the coast of Sicily just like an aforementioned bathtub rubber ducky. Here is a photag of the now sunken 'super yacht Bayesian' -

This tale of sailing stupidity might not have been so obviously idiotic had the mega billionaire Lynch not been listening to his wife and bought a regular mega yacht and not the one that was obviously top heavy and prone to sinking when the weather turned crappy. Oh yes and it was Lynch's wife that is/was owner of the now on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Sicily, Bayesian. So if anyone is to blame for the sinking of mega super yacht Bayesian, it would be Lynch's wife and not the crew of the mega yacht and yes, the crew went under with the boat. Or mega super yacht Bayesian. Whatever ... and as Forest Gump would say, "stupid is as stupid does." Now for Sunday machined artware. Our world is short one billionaire and his family ... pity.

dvark -

ears -

shine -

course -

lighthaus -

floating -

virtual -

hologram -

I hold a keen dislike for billionaires and their ilk. the actual stories of how these freaks obtained that manner of wealth involves behaviors and criminality that would mean prison time for regular folk. dude went down with his 'mega super yacht' and jeez ... that's tough no doubt. 😐