Monday, March 18, 2024

Throw A Net Over The Insane Freak

 In case you may have missed the antics of trump while giving a "speech" in Ohio on Saturday March 16, 2024, trump insisted "there will be a bloodbath if he loses the election." In the same Ohio speech, trump indicated that Biden had beat Obama in an unspecified election held in some unspecified location somewhere and the trump imaginary memory recall is now crossed over into the Twilight Zone and trump needs to be dragged off to a padded cell, wrapped snuggly tight inside a straight jacket and given an elephant sized shot of thorazine to calm his ragged and fraying in public nerves. Jezuz Christ, how much of the guy's insanity are 'we the people' supposed to put up with? So a point for consideration, with the Secret Service keeping trump protected at all times from some dastardly bozo wanting to silence the orange baboon, shouldn't the Secret Service keep America safe from ... trump? There must certainly be enough presidential body guards around the freak that overpowering his aged ass wouldn't even be a thing. So what in the hell is the SS waiting for? Well ... ?!? Now for our Monday machine art segment and the election cycle 2024 is ALREADY an ass-ugly mess and the political parties haven't even held their "conventions" yet.

within -

juncture -

tower -

theatrics -

mound -

scanned -

timex -

galac tictok -

in almost another lifetime ago, I worked in a hospital that had a "unit" for the crazy people. actually there were two "units" for the crazy people. Unit 5 East was for the people crazy enough to be locked up and Unit 5 West was for the really and dangerously so crazy people that were a "clear and present danger" to others AND themselves. I occasionally had to work both Units 5E and 5W and yes there really are padded rooms and yes there sure as hell are straight jackets that are used on a regular basis and especially so when one of the dangerous loonies went apeshit nut up and had to be "restrained" and sometimes with "lethal force." The job could be a laugh a minute on some days and scary as hell on other days. I'm fairly certain that not much has changed in how hospitals treat the mentally incompetent. 😐

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