Friday, March 15, 2024

Right Here ,,, Right Now

 Besides today being Friday ... we have arrived at THE IDES OF MARCH!!! Yes my friends the 'ides of march' are upon us, however, for one day only. Today. So and coincidentally being the ides of march, the Irish single handed celebration of an obscure Irish patron saint of whiskey will happen large two days hence. Saint Padraig, the patron saint of Ireland and catholic celebrity worshipped for one day two days after the ides of march. People of non existent Irish ancestry will go apeshit green and for the most part drink copious amounts of green beer and Irish whiskey. Whiskey may or may not be green. Consequences for copious amounts of green alcohol would be the green pukes with accompanying gastric-discharge of green squirts. Icky poo to be specifically specific. So if you happen to miss the ides of march celebrations, well, you can focus all your energies and desires to get shit-faced drunk and wake up in a puddle of green discharge that on first inspection could not have possibly come from an alleged human gastric plumbing system. Get out there kids and party on till the time comes to pay that Irish piper. By the way, the Irish did not invent the bagpipes. Now for Friday machine art.

being -

resist -

dawn -

slowly -

melting -

burning -

I did the Padraig's Day celebration ... once ... I was so hung over for two days I cursed god and really wished I would die. emphasis here is on the "once" scenario. I could actually say, "been there did that. never again!" 😐

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