Monday, March 11, 2024

It's Official

 America is now and officially a nation of the sleep deprived. By now and hopefully, our nation has come to grips with the daylight savings time bullshit and we are shorted one full hour of precious sleep. I don't like daylight savings time. An exercise in utter and preposterous futility. I'm fully of the opinion that our nation does the time change up twice a year simply to fuck with the American people and keep us all off guard and wondering what in hell is going on. I don't think the change is any sort of 'conspiracy theory' as the change is factual and affecting every last American. Every last American is shorted one hour and you have to wait until November 2024 to get that hour back without any accrued interest. The switch back will happen on the first Sunday in November and luckily, the presidential election is the following Tuesday. Hopefully America will be at least partially recovered from the sleep deprivation department prior to heading to the polls. Now we'll dig in for Monday machine art. What may be lacking in machine art quality will be made up for in machine art quantity. 

aftermath -

witness -

unwanted -

pod play -

inconceivable -

homonym -

westers -

emotion -

so biden told netanyahu to stop killing so many Palestinians and NOT to invade Rafah. netanyahu told biden to piss off. I suppose we shall see what we shall see. 😐

don't anyone count on the israelis to end their genocide anytime soon.

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