Saturday, August 7, 2021

Utah Is Number One In The World

 That's right and the title reads correctly. Utah is number one in the world for polluted and toxic air. Yessiree Utah has really made the big time now. Salt Lake City, which is where I reside to be upfront about the matter, and that would have been yesterday August 6, 2021 earned the title of most polluted city anywhere on or around Planet Earth. Worse than even Beijing in winter time. It should be noted here that Salt Lake has some damn polluted air in the winter on account of temperature inversions so with Salt Lake being ranked as 'worst in the world' for that air pollution, well, that's quite an achievement. Ahhh...breath deep the gathering smoke. Yeah Utah and Salt Lake sort of backed in to the record books due to erratic upper air wind flow and wildfires in California, Idaho, and Oregon. Gosh, thanks guys. The stagnant Salt Lake air was eerily reminiscent of the air pollution days in Los Angeles a way back in the day. The gas and oil producer association is planning to award Salt Lake City and Utah their gold medal for championing damn dirty air and fuck the environment award 2021 and Governor Spencey Cox is making plans to receive the award on behalf of a grateful state and the city of Salt Lake. Yeah I'll bet I won't receive an invitation to that spiffy event. Utah's Governor Spencey doesn't like me one bit. I really don't blame him, I tend to get overtly rude to spineless and weak-ass politicians that are due nothing more than a kick in the ass. Well and in the case of d. trump, he needs to be frog marched out onto the National Mall and summarily executed by a military firing squad. Oh I do apologize, I seem to have digressed something awful here. What the hell was I prattling about...oh right, air pollution. So it's back to the same old story, smoke and other really nasty particulates are filling the air we breath and there's not a dang thing to be done about it. We must as a matter of meteorological circumstance, wait for the wind to blow in some other direction OR wait for the wildfire fighter guys to put the fires out. With all the wildfires burning the left coast to a burned out cinder, it might take until the snow falls this winter before the smoke actually abates. IF the west gets any snow come this winter. Gosh, that will take us all the way into inversion season. Yes, inversion season is a thing here behind the Zion Curtain. 'Life Elevated' no doubt. Just bring your own oxygen. Now it's time for the machine art portion of today's program.

cow chaos -

by any other name -

here in my neighborhood, all the roses have unbloomed themselves from public viewing. I really don't blame them one bit. 😟

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