Monday, August 16, 2021

Miasmatic Monday

 Yup, the air really stinks a way out here in the wide open and burning American West. Burns the eyes and clogs your lungs. Dang smoke particulates fall out the sky and coat your automobile with wildfire particulates. Well and your lawn and flowers and bushes and trees and the little birdies that have to live in the wild wide open. Your dog and cat and chickens and pigs and goats and all those very pricey llamas. You know, the alpacas and vicunas, those sorts. The ski resorts too but the ski resorts are sort of look on the profitable side of the western wildfires, the wildfire particulate crap is falling like snow up at the resorts so...the resorts are gonna allow skiing on the wildfire particulate stuff when the particulate stuff gets about three feet deep. Won't take too much longer. Skiers should have your smoke surfing gear ready and at hand. So aside from the fires and fall of Afghaniscam and Senator Lindsey Graham emphasizing he had no part in the Afghaniscam debacle and the flash flooding in Tucson, Arizona ain't not much happening on this here stinky damn Monday. Lindsey Graham is a swishy asshole to be quite clear on the subject. He owns the Afghaniscam quagmire as much as George W. Bush. About the only thing can be said about donny 'boy' trump is, trump started the Afghaniscam troop withdrawal so don't anyone try putting blame on President Joe Biden. President Biden finished what trump couldn't. Trump is incapable of finishing so many things AND he is a world class asshole and an even bigger asshole than Lindsey Graham. On that abysmal note it's on to today's machine art. At least a reader will have something nice to look at. For a brief while. With Bush and trump, is it any wonder why America can't have nice things...

mine shafted -

hand writing on parchment not the farm -

well on a second look, maybe it is a parchment farm. 😳

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