NASA is planning on a decommission of the International Space Station. Sometime in the near future, according to NASA, like about 2030 or later than that. I didn't know that the ISS was NASA's to decommission. 2030 or later than that. In real time that's not exactly soon. NASA made that announcement and the announcement was covered by CNBC news. I didn't know that CNBC covered NASA news or even 'space' news. However as it turns out, there's money involved so enter CNBC. Maybe CNBC could get NASA to launch that annoying Cramer guy into deep space. Without a return rocket would be nice. Anyway it seems that NASA is looking to private industry to build a next generation space station and one Sierra Space out of Colorado and Axiom Space out of Houston, Texas are well on their way to producing space stations that might contend for the title of an 'official NASA' space station. Maybe it'll be just one however two space stations are not out of the equation. Getting those space stations to space will require the work of NASA to get them up there. I think so anyway. I'm not certain if Elongated Musk has a rocket in the works to launch a space station OR if Amazon Bezos has one being built. Neither Musk or Bezos had anything to say on the matter. You might not want to count that Virgin Galactic guy what's his name out of any decision making by NASA. Oh right, Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is the Virgin Galactic guy. Can't be forgetting him. Why certainly not your royal pain in the ass. Dicky boy blue will want a slice of space station pie or his name is not Sir Richard. Lah-Dee-Dah! Anyway, space belongs to NASA no anyone else as far as I've been able to determine. Not NASA, not the Russians, not the Chinese, not the Japanese, and not the India Indians cause you know the India Indians aren't in Cleveland. Oh right, the Cleveland Indians aren't in Cleveland anymore either. They changed their name to be considered apolitical and not insensitive. That cultural appropriation bullshit. So with nations starting to sell space, who gets that money? Me? You? Vulnerable third world folk that have suffered more than just about anyone? Afghans? Well maybe not Afghans, they've got enough trouble standing as things are now. Who will receive payment for space? What about 'DEEP SPACE'? Any aliens living there might have a thing or two to say about any claims on deep space. Heck, aliens might have a thing or two to say about near Earth orbit. What happens when aliens show up with a cease and desist order and an entire fleet of planet-enders to enforce their cease and desist order? Hmmm? What happens then? It would seem that just about no one in space command wants to answer that question. I suppose that we shall see what we shall see IF Planet Earth survives the next ten years. So now, let us trip the light fantastic right over to the machine art desk and see what's on the docket. Not rocket.
eVangie Veginal -
a rose by any other name would be...something else -
so there you have it, space foolery and stuff. did you know that in space, no one can hear you...period. 😎
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