Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Drama Dery Forever

 We have, once again, arrived at that 'special' day. We have much to celebrate on this fine Wednesday. Why there are more wildfires in California, Texas Governor G. Abbott has the Covid-19 and the variant remains undisclosed, Florida Governor 'Rumbles' DeSantis has gone into hiding, and life is good all the way around. Or not. The quality of life will be heavily dependent on where you might live. A way out here in the smoke choked American West, we've finally received some rain. Not enough to put out all the wildfires but enough rain to back ambient air temperatures off just a snidge. Yes we've really got it going on today. Of course there is the ongoing crisis of whether to mask the going back to school children. Utah's grandiose legislature doesn't want ANY school district to mandate the wearing of masks. A surprising number of school districts have informed Utah's legislative body of Mormon zombies to fuck off and stay out of it! Good on them. It takes some seriously defiant cajones in Utah for any school district to defy Utah's legislative Loya Jirga. Google it. That act of defiance was unexpected but greatly appreciated by parents that can't figure out why Utah lawmakers would be so cavalier about the health and safety of Utah school children. Utah's legislative Loya Jirga is annoyingly trapped in their own myopic ignorance. Why Utah voters keep electing these miscreants has yet to find a reasonable explanation. Something to do with all the legislators being Mormon. That just might be the reasonable explanation. So the usual political and social dramas continue to play out comedic tragedy all across the America and so it goes. Drama Dery forever. Now we'll switch up for some machine art and non political binaryism. 

it is not a Covid mask but it could be -

S. Dali upgraded 2.6 -

to think what Dali or Picasso or Van Gogh could have done with AI software...😶

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