Saturday, August 21, 2021

Only 126 Days Left

 Yes my friends as horrible as this might sound, there are only 126 shopping days left until Christmas 2021. Dang it if'n time don't just fly by when you're having fun. We are having fun...aren't we? President Biden has got the fall of Afghaniscam almost under control, Covid-19 the Delta Variant is well on it's way to savaging the unvaccinated Americans that were too stupid to get the vaccine when the vaccine became available, and Marjorie Taylor Greene is planning a run for president 2024 under the Nazi-esqueRepublican Party For America ticket. Yup and the Greene shrike from Georgia is gonna have Matt Gaetz as her veep. Gosh if that isn't about a presidential ticket from racist hell, well, I almost can't imagine what one might be. 126 shopping days left so what are you waiting for? Get out there and shop until you drop. Or vomit. Or commit ritual seppuku. Or simply stay home and steer clear of the shopping madness. Of course Amazon would prefer that one do ALL their Christmas shopping needs online using Amazon. Of course. I'm thinking that headstones and cremation urns will be a big seller this year. You know on account of that Covid-19 the Delta Variant scourge. I think that Americans that refuse to wear a mask or get the Covid-19 vaccine are exercising their "constitutional right" to be assholes and spread the plague far and wide out of pure spite. The anti-vaxxers are getting even for being the first out playing dodge ball. That could be a possible but personally, I think they're just being assholes. So now we shall turn to the really important part of this here Saturday morning tirade and that would be the machine art. Presto and just like that.

wake up and smell the surrealism -

the mean streets of Tuscany...again -

you ever wonder how it is that Melanoma Trump can stay married to the donny 'boy' trump? I know, her name is Melania but Melanoma suits her better. 😲

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