It rained! Not a particularly heavy rain but the cement is wet and the grass is wet and it's one of those fresh smells wonderful rains. It's been a while since the last rainfall and even though this rainfall wasn't like the rainfall in Louisiana, it rained nonetheless and that is almost if not quite a good thing. Speaking of rainfall in Louisiana, the Cajun pelicans ought to think about building a pipeline to the way out West and pump that excess rainfall out to where it's desperately needed. Louisiana could turn some bucks and States out West should be more than willing to pony up some cash. I mean it isn't like pipelines aren't being built for really stupid shit like tar sand slurry. Gasoline, oil, nuclear waste, sewage, hair spray for the trump, botox for the trump girls, and secret sauce that McDonalds uses on their Big Mac. Dang pipelines are going in faster than power lines are going up. So why not pump all that extra moisture from America's Southeast to way out here in the bone-dry desert scrubland. Way out here, we can't rely on rain. Not anymore. It used to rain and almost regular like. Not anymore. It's that dang climate change global warming thing. If a freshwater pipeline thingy won't do it, well, how about America send some Navy ships to Antarctica and hogtie some icebergs and drag those icebergs up to Los Angeles and the Angelinos could work the melting drill and then pump the water from there. The plan is so diabolical, it just might work. Of course the tree-hugging Green Peace mercenaries would pitch one titanic fit. There would be some to-do about whales or greenhouse gases or some other "issue" that causes the tree-hugging Green Peace mercenaries to get their knickers tied up in knots but, the U.S. Navy could be credited for saving the Western United States. That'd be a good thing...wouldn't it? Freshwater pipelines for peace! It's a winner no doubt. Not for oil though. That would NOT be a good thing. There's always a possibility of convincing the Canadians to sell the West some Canadian water. Build a freshwater pipeline through Montana and then to Wyoming where the headwaters of the Green River headwater at and you wouldn't even need to build excessively lengthy pipelines. Nope. Simply build a freshwater pipeline to Wyoming's Fontenelle Reservoir. Fontenelle is where Wyoming built a damn and hence a Fontenelle Reservoir, water gets let out of Fontenelle and the Green River flows to Flaming Gorge Reservoir and that's where another dam is already standing and that would be Flaming Gorge Dam. The Green River flows out of Flaming Gorge Reservoir and confluences with the Colorado River and by now you should be able to catch my drift. Or flow. See what I did there? Anyway, the Colorado River flows to a less than half full Lake Powell which in turn flows to the weakly Colorado River then to an almost empty Lake Mead. Wouldn't need so much pipeline as the water channeling crap-o-la is already in place. This idea would maybe, be the preferable BUT the politicians would want to get involved and a good idea would end up shredded to shit and that would be that. Oh well, at least it's not a damnably bad idea. Okay and so let us move on to the machine art CGI and be done with it. See? I think about stuff. :]
Mr. Mephisto -
binary non or otherwise -
that Mephisto guy is sort of a creepy looking fucker to say the least.
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