Tuesday, July 2, 2024

We Have Us A King

 SCOTUS has given America an absolute monarch. A king. You see the "conservative" majority sitting on the nine Justice bench at the Supreme Court have ruled that American Presidents have "absolute immunity" in all actions taken under a President's "executive action." We have us a king and I sure as hell had no say in this egregious breach of America's Constitution. So, the ruling was of course made for trump. However the Court's action applies to ALL of America's Presidents past, present, and future. So Biden can do whatever the hell he thinks as America's "unitary executive" and the "doing" will be above judicial review. Biden should at this very moment in time, declare trump a clear and present danger to national security and the American people and have trump sent in chains to Guantanamo Bay's Camp Delta X-Ray to enjoy a round of complimentary waterboarding and meals with the jihadists still entombed in Guantanamo. Won't trump simply enjoy the shit out of that adventure. President Biden can now dismiss the entire Bench sitting the Supreme Court and I hope the President does exactly that. America creeps ever closer to all out civil war. The clock is ticking. Now for Tuesday machined artware and I hold no immunity for any damn thing. 

bucket -

read -

waste -

cubal -

heart -

gomer -

before -

possibly after -

the remainder of this election campaign 2024 should be one for the books. all bets are now off and as for further details ... well ... who knows? 😬

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