Friday, July 26, 2024

Iron Teeth

 "Scientists" have revealed that Komodo dragons have iron teeth. Really. A researcher from King's College London while studying Komodo dragon teeth noticed an orange coloration on the dragon's teeth and dismissed it. However on further study, researcher discovered the "orange coloration" is actually iron, hence the orange coloring also known as rust, and the iron is accoutrement from birth. Or hatch as the case may be. Those iron Komodo dragon teeth under study were no longer attached to the Komodo dragon. Bummer for the dragon no doubt. Here is a photag of those iron Komodo dragon teeth -

So the researcher guy also made notice of the detritus attached to the dragon teeth that play host to assorted toxic bacteria and shit like that there that causes the incident from dragon bite toxicity that results in death of the bitten. Dang if'n you don't hate it when that happens. Well, now our world knows not to be fucking with Komodo dragons AS if you get bit by the dragon and his iron teeth, well, you'll be in some serious hurt no doubt. Now for Friday machined artware.

smart -

atlantis -

love -

mah jung -

mound -

hilly -

spins -

festive -

did any reader know that there is a school of artistry known as "ashcan art" ... I didn't know that. art is after all whatever you can get away with. 😐

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