Saturday, July 6, 2024

He's Out He's In ... They're In They're Out

 The American media shitshow regarding Joe Biden and his much anticipated decision concerning his continuing in the presidential campaign 2024 rages on with very little fact or confirmations one way or another. Maybe Biden will and/or maybe Biden won't ... to think America only has to make it to the first Tuesday in November 2024 and then the real media shitshow will crank up and maybe America will have a president or maybe America will have a king ... the political farce will become a fight over our becoming anything but the "democratic republic" our founding fathers gave us a way way long way back in the day. Trump is bad enough all by his loathsome lonesome. American media only serves to give impetus to trump and his endless stream of vindictive nonsensical insanity. It may be entirely possible that the parties nominating conventions will actually have to do a nominating drill and won't that be a serious surprise. Nominating convention has not happened in America for a dang long time. Now for Saturday machined artware.

mural -

entry -

if only -

fitti -

elton -

evening -

prat -

rafi -

election campaigns have become a tedious affair involving obscene mountains of money that certainly could be spent on any meaningful issue of our times but are ignored during the run up to elections. that exercise in base futility is shameful ... 😐

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