Sunday, July 14, 2024

AmeriKa Divided

 The political camps are entrenched and the divide is, for the most part, incapable of grasping the notion of unity. As in the motto on American money, "e pluribus unum." The translation from the Latin reads 'out of many one'. However that no longer applies to postmodern early twenty first century Amerika. Sad if not ever so sad. The sides have their slogans well in hand, placards and posters at the ready, and hats emblazoned with inbred hatred for the "others." Republicans gather Monday in Milwaukee to crown their candidate/king, the one the only 34 felony count convicted rapist lying treasonous meat sack donny trump. Democrats will gather sometime later in Chicago so they can anoint their favorite son Joe Biden who is at this very moment in material support of Israeli terrorism, genocide, crimes against Palestinian humanity, and of course those ever so heinous war crimes. Not much in the way of choice. One candidate is bad and the other candidate is worse. Damn if'n America isn't about screwed. Now for Sunday machined art.

* the "attempted assassination of donny trump was staged affair and poorly staged at that ... trump rally Pennsylvania on Saturday 7/13/24

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I hold no illusions that anyone listens to me OR reads anything I might have to say about anything. so it goes. 😐

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