Monday, July 1, 2024

Precedent Mr. President ...

 Joe Biden crapped out round one of the "presidential debates" with trump. Biden did so poorly, a number of Democrat 'movers and shakers, along with a number of prominent media outlets are calling for Biden to step aside election cycle 2024 and allow some other Democrat to put trump in his place and "win in November." Biden evidently headed for Camp David along with a number of his immediate family members to make necessary decisions regarding Biden's campaign going forward. Gosh, is that about a surprise or what. There is precedent regarding American Presidents and ducking out of an election campaign. Set the way back machine Sherman (that would be Mr. Peabody's boy Sherman) to March of 1968 and the Kennedy, J.F. successor, Lyndon Baines Johnson in his capacity as President of the United States of America, announces to the nation that he will not be seeking re-election as President. With the Vietnam war raging and America losing that dustup, America on the verge of a national come apart, Johnson felt it his duty to put the Nation first and sit the election out and retire to Texas. I remember 1968 as if it were only 56 years ago. In those days I was sweating out the draft. The draft is an issue for another future screed. Anyway Johnson stepped aside leaving Hubert Humphrey to carry the Democrats mantle and then Humphrey lost to Richard Nixon and the "official national shitshow" began in earnest. America has been sliding towards the dustbin of historical irrelevance ever since. So should Biden decide to step aside, well, America has been there before and we all know how well that turned out. Nixon had to resign in disgrace giving way to Jerry Ford. Ford lost a presidential election to Jimmy Carter. Carter lost the presidency to Ronny Raygun, Raygun set the stage for Bush the first. Bush the first lost to Bubba Clinton. Clinton's Veep Al Gore lost his run for the Office to Bush the second and as a historical footnote, Bush the second had actually lost that election by way of failing to garner the popular vote. You see America does NOT elect presidents by the popular vote. America's Electoral College elects our Presidents and after the election 2020, well, we all know how that fucking chaos set up America's current election campaign 2024. I can't know what Biden should do and either way it really doesn't matter. C'est la vie. Now for Monday machined artware.

moe joe -

festive -

crone -

pearls -

be bee -

mother -

kraken -

musee -

so we've got us just another run at paradise. or something close to that ... 😐

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